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Show Testing Unacted Plays. A new way to ;try unacted plays is to j perform them at Long Branch or Asbury Park. Ea'ph of these places has a small opera house. The manager, anxious to see the effect of a drama on an audience, goes out into Union square and offers to the requisite number of idle actors an excursion ex-cursion to the seashore, with the ex-nf ex-nf a Hav or two all mid. Thev j are willing to accept the pleasures of the j journey in lieu of wages. Thus a single i performance can be cheaply given, and j the door receipts are likely to nearly or 1 quite meet the expenses. The plan has I been in use all summer. Such experi-J experi-J ments preceded the city production of I nine different pieces, and there have also ! been several trials resulting so disas- triously that no further use was made of j the material. Xew York Cor. Boston Herald. |