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Show I Scenic Line of the World ! DENVER & RIO GRANDE Western Railway. Universally conceded to be THE POPULAR Passenger Route ! Between tbe East and West. Tlie Only laixLo Between Ogden, Salt Lake and Denver- Without Change of Cars ! Tlio Only X-iixxo Between Salt Lake and Chicago With but One Change of Cars ! The Only Line between the West and the East Running Through Salt Lake City. Pullman Buffet . AXD Sleeping Cars! On all Through Passenger Trains. The Only Line from Salt Lake City running run-ning Sleeping Cars Free for the use of passengers nolding Second-class and Emigrant rackets The Atlantic Express. Leaves Ogden daily at 9:30 a. m.; Leaves Salt Lake City daily at 10:55 a. m. Direct connection is made at Pueblo and Denver for Omaha, Kansas Kan-sas City, and all points East. The Pacific Express. Arrives at Salt Lake City from the East at 5:00 p. m., and leaves for Ogdeu at 5:10 p. m., making connection with the Central Pacific for the West. Local Trains. Lave Salt Lake City as follows: For Bingham and Alta at 7:25 a. m. I For Ogden at 5:10 p. m. Arrive at Salt Lake City: From Bingham and Alta at 4:15 p. m. From Ogden at 10:50 a. m. Tickets for all' points East and West can be (purchased at the Depot Office and City Ticket Office, White House corner, Salt Lake City. S. W. ECCLES, G.P.&T.Agt- 1 W. 11. BANCROFT, Receiver. J THE CHICAGO, j Milwaukee & St. Paul RAILWAY COMPANY. J The Last Built, J Best Equipped, Sliortest Line I BETWEEN 1 i Council Hluffsi Chicago I I i ALL ? OIK IS EAST. 1 : 1 THE CHICAGO i ;J AND ': ! 1 NORTHWESTERN i Railway. i i i ' The Best Route and Short Line i BETWEEN 1 Omaha, Council Bluffs Chicago. i The only line to take for Des Moines, Mar-fchalltown, Mar-fchalltown, Cedar Rapids, Clinton, Dixon, Chicago, Chi-cago, Milwaukee and all points East To the People of Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Washington and California, Cali-fornia, it offers superior advantages not possi- Me by any other line. Among a few of the numerous points of su- periority enjoyed by the patrons of this road J between Omaha and" Chicago are its two trains I a day of DAY COACHES, which are the finest that human art and ingenuity can create ; its l'ALACE SLEEPING CARS, which are models of comfort and elegance; its PARLOR DRAWING DRAW-ING ROOM CARS, unsurpassed bv any; and its widely celebrated PALATIAL DINING CARS, the equal of which can not be found elsewhere. - At Council Bluffs the trains of the Union Pa cific liy connect in Union Depot with those of J the Chicago & Northwestern Ry. In Chicago the trains of this line make close connection with those of all Eastern lites. ' For Detroit, Columbus, Indianapolis, Cincin nati, Niagara Falls, Buffalo. Pittsburg, Toronto, Montreal, Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, and all points in the tast, ak the ticket agent for tickets via the "Northwestern" If you wish the best accommodations. All ticket agents sell tickets via this line. M. HUGHITT, R. S. HAIR, Geu'l Manager. Genl Pass. Agent. CHICAGO. Utah Central R. R. Passenger Trains eave Salt Lake Daily, as fol- ows: . : HS-AUantIc Express at '8:00 a.m. ! GOING SOUTH Express at 7 20 a.m. ; Passenger Trains Arrive in Salt Lake, Daily, as i . follows: i FROM NORTH Atlantic Express at 7:51 p.m FROM SOUTH Express at 6:40 p.m j j JOHN SHARP, GenlSup't FRANCIS COPE, Gen'l Fg't & Pass. AgU j Sanpete Valley Railw'y Trains leave daily as follows: Leave Moroni 9.00 a.m. Arrive atNephi..... u.00 a-m. Leave Nephi 1.00 p.m. Arrive at Moroni 3.00 p.m. Stages connect at Moroni for all parts of San Pete and Sevier. - . Private teams and spring wagons can be ordered or-dered by telephone at Nephi, to be ready on arrival of trains at MoronL Price; $4 per day, driver paying all his own expenses. S. BAMBERGER, Manager. The Shortest and Most Direct Route To the East IS VIA THE .tcliisoii, Topeka & Santa Fe, Which connects in a Union Depot at PUEBLO with the Denver fe Rio Grande Railway. This new line is splendidly equipped with Pullman Sleeping Cars, Elegant Day Coaches, Steel Rails, Best Railroad Eating Houses in the country, insuring speed, safety, comfort and luxury. Quickest time to the Missouri River. W. B. HAMBLIN; W. F. WHITE, General Agent, Gen. Pass. & T'kt Agt., Denver, Colo. Topeka, Kan. CHAS. T. PARSONS.Traveling Pass. Agt., Denver, Colorado. MARSHAL'S SALE. Marshal's Sale. PURSUANT TO AN ORDER OF SALE TO ME directed by the Third Judicial District Court of the Territory of Utah, I shall expose at public sale, at the front door of the County Court House, in the City of Salt Lake, County of Salt Lake, and Territory of Utah, on the 5th day of November, 1885, at 12 o'clock m., the following fol-lowing described property, situated in Salt Lake County, Utah Territory, to-wit: The Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section (27) twenty-seven. Township (3) three South, of Range (1) one West of Salt Lake Meridian, containing (40) forty acres of land (more or less). Together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining. To be sold as the property of . Edward E. Phillips, at the suit of A. F. Doremns. Terms of sale, cash. E. A. IRELAND, Dated October 14th, 1S85. U. 8. Marshal. Marshal's Sale. PURSUANT TO AN EXECUTION TO me directed by the Third Judicial District Court of the Territory of Utah, I shall expose at public sale, at the front door of the County Court House, in the City of Salt Lake, County of Salt Lake and Territory of Utah, on the 16th day of November, 18R5, at 12 o'clock m., all the right, title, interest, claim and estate which the Oxford Ox-ford and Geneva Silver Mining Company of Utah held on the 8th day of December, 1880, or may have since acquired, of, in and to certain real estate, mining properties, situated in Little Cottonwood Mining District, Salt Lake County, Utah Territory, described as follows, to-wit: The Oxford Mine and Mining Claim, being 800 feet in length and 100 feet in width, for which a United States patent has been granted. Also the Geneva Mine and Mining Claim, being be-ing 800 feet in length and 100 feet in width, for which a United States patent has been granted. Together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining. To be sold as the property of the Oxford and Geneva Silver Mining Company, at the suit of Alvah E. Leavitt Terms of sale, cash. E. A. IRELAND. Dated October 22, 1885. U. 8. Marshal Marshal's Sale. PURSUANT TO AN ORDER OF SALE TO me directed by the Third Judicial District Court of the Territory of Utah, I shall expose at Public Sale, at the front door of the County Court House, in the city of Salt Lake, county of Salt Lake and Territory of Utah, on the 18th day of November, 1885, at 12 o'clock m., the following described property, situated in Salt Lake County, Utah Territory, to-wit: to-wit: - A part of Lots Two (2) and Three (3), Block Fifty (50), as platted in Plat B, Salt Lake City survey; commencing at the northwest corner of said Lot Two (2), and running thence south thirty (30) feet, thence east one hundred and thirteen (113) feet, thence north fifty-one and one-half (51) feet, thence west one hundred and thirteen (113) feet, thence south twenty-one i and one-half (21J) feet to the place of begin, ning: - Together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining. . To be sold as the property of Edmund R. Kneass and Amelia Alberta Kneass, at the suit of Andrew C. Brixen. Terms of sale, cash. E. A. IRELAND, U. S. Marshal. Dated October. 24, 1885. : r Marshal's Sale. PURSUANT TO AN EXECUTION TO ME directed by the Third Judicial . District Court of the Territory of Utah, I shall expose at public sale, at the front door of the County Court House, in the City of Salt Lake, County of Salt Lake, Territory of Utah, on the 17th day of November, 1885, at 12 o'clock M., all the right, title, interest, claim and estate which the Equitable Equit-able Tunnel and Mining Company held on the 14th day of September, 1885, or may have since acquired, of, in and to certain real estate, mining min-ing properties situated .in Little Cottouwood Mining District, Salt Lake County, Utah Territory, Terri-tory, described as -follows, to wit: That certain mine and mining Claim and tunnel tun-nel location, 1,500 linear feet in length, on and along the course of the vein or ledge, with surface sur-face ground 100 feet in width, with the tunnel therein, located and known as the Equitable, and which-is more particularly described in the records of said mining district Also that certain mine and mining claim, 1,500 linear feet in length, on and along the course of the vein, ledge or mineral deposit, with surface ground 100 feet in width, located, known as and called the B and C. For a more full description see records of said mining district. Also the certain mine and mining claim, l.ooo linear feet in length, on and along the course of the vein or mineral deposit, with, surface ground 100 feet in width, located as and called the Equitable No. 2, and recorded in the records of said mining district. . . . Also that certain mine and mining claim, 1500 linear feet in length, on and along the course of the vein, ledge or mineral deposit, with surface ground 100 feet in width, located as and known as the Howes, fully and particularly particu-larly described in the records of said mining dlAndCtthat certain mine and mining claim, 1,500 linear feet in length, on and along the course of the vein and mineral deposit, with surface ground lOOfeet in width located.known as and called the Leonard; fully described in the records of said mining district. Together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments, appurtenances aniimP'I" raents thereon, belonging or in anywise apper- To1 be sold as the property of Equable Tunnel Tun-nel and Mining Company, at the suit of M. M. O'Brian. Terms of sale, cash. . E A. IRELAND, U. S. Marshal. Dated October 22, 1SS5. ODD FELLOWS' LODGES. UTAH LODGE NO. 1, I. O. O. F. MEETS every Thursday, at 7:30 p. m., in Odd Fellows' Fel-lows' Hall, Union Block, Salt Lake City. Odd Fellows in good standing are invited to attend. H. L GRAY, N. G. J. J. Thomab, Secretary. SALT LAKE LODGE NO. 2. I. O. O. F. Meets every Friday, at 7:30 p. m., in Odd Fellows' Hall, Union Block. Odd Fellows in good standing are invited to attend. - WM. H. CULMER, N. G. J. M. Darling, Secretary. JORDAN LODGE NO. 3, I. O. O. F. MEETS every Monday, at 7:30 p. m., in Odd Fellows' Fel-lows' Hall, Union Block. Odd Fellows in good standing are invited to attend. F. F. LECUYER, N. G. Louis Hyams, Secretary. RIDGELY LODGE NO. 9, 1. O. O. F. -MEETS every Wednesday, at 7:30 p. m., in Odd Fel-' lows' Hall, Union Block. Visiting brothers made welcome. JOHN J. DUKE, N. G. W. M. Clark, Secretary. , UNITY ENCAMPMENT No. 2, I. O. O. F. Meets the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p. m., in Odd Fellows' Hall, Union Block. All Patriarchs in good standing are invited to attend. W. P. ROWE, C. P. J. J. Thomas, Scribe. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. CALANTHE LODGE NO. 5, K. OF P. REG-ular REG-ular conventions every Monday, at Castle Hall, Walker Opera House, at. 7:30 p. m Visiting Knights made welcome. L. H. FARNSWORTH, C. C. G. B. Lanq, K. of R. and 8. .. EUCATJOAL ACADEMY. PREPARATORY AND ACADEMIC DEPART-ments DEPART-ments at HAMMOND HALL. INTERMEDIATE and PRIMARY DEPARTMENTS, DEPART-MENTS, with KINDERGARTEN, at INDEPENDENCE HALL. WILL OPEN 3VXoxxa.f,y-, Sept. 7tli. Classical, Scientific and English courses of instruction. Full faculty the same as for the past four years. Academic instruction per term $8.50 Preparatory " " " 6.25 Intermediate and Primary " 5.00 For information and calendars apply to E. BENNER, 331 Third East streeet. Salt Lake Seminary. THE SIXTEENTH ANNUAL SESSION WILL open September 7, 1885, With a full Faculty of Seven Instructors. Students Stu-dents will be prepared for the best New England En-gland colleges. COMPETENT TEACHERS Will preside over the several departments of a well-graded course, Kindergarten included. HOMES FOR STUDENTS. Most excellent accommodations for young ladies in Davis Hall, and for young gentlemen in the adjoining building. All under the supervision super-vision of the Principal. For information address REV. J. JAY GARV1X, Principal. Sacred Heart Academy, OGDEN CITY, UTAH. Oonduoted "fcy The Sisters OF THE HOLY CROSS THE COURSE OF STUDY IS THOROUGH, embracing all the branches of a solid and and accomplished education. Languages, general, gen-eral, vocal and drawing lessens, free of charge. Boys up to the age of twelve years received in a separate building. School 111 Open September 1st, 1885. Half fare tickets can be procured for pupils. For terms and full particulars address, The Sisters of the Holy Cross, Ogden, Utah. ST. MARY'S ACADEMY. Salt Lake City, Utah, CONDUCTED BY THK SISTERS OF THE HOLY CROSS. Classes for Boarders and day pupils will be resumed re-sumed - MONDAY, AUGUST 31ST, 1885. The course of study embraces all the branches of a thorough and accomplished education, LANGUAGES, GENERAL DRAWING ' - and VOCAL MUSIC Being included in the English course, form no extra charge. The brick building addition to the Academy will be ready for September. The low pressure steam apparatus will be in basement of same. TERMS MODERATE. Small boy boarders received in a separate department. ' . . - Half-fare tickets cam be procured for the pupils. . For Catalogue, address as above J. LLOYD, Custom Boot and Shoe Maker. No, 9 East Second South Street SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Established 159 PENDLETON & SON. HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY. W. Second South, near Walker Opera House, GEO. A. LOWE. Salt Lake City and Ogden, Utah. SCHUTTLER FARM FREIGHT WAGONS, AND FIRST-CLASS Open i,rLa. Top Buggies, WARRANTED OF BEST QUALITY AND SOLD AT VERY LOW PRICES. agriculturalImplements of all kinds :o: : ; DEDERICK HAY PRESSES, BALING TIES AND BALING WIRE, Knowles Steam Pumps For all Purposes. All Sizes Constantly in Stock. AMES PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES, LEFFEL TURBINE WHEELS, SAW MILLS AND SHINGLE MILLS. Correspondence solicited. Enquiries answered promptly. BAIN WAGON DEPOT. HOWARD SEE REE COMPANY Keep a Full Stock of These Celebrated Wagons. Concord Buggies, Spring Wagons, Oliver Chilled Plows, Moline Plows, Casaday and Flying Dutchman Sulky Plows CTT A aiFIOX at a f-rffqrr-rxrrn And a Full Line of Agricultural Goods. Hardwood and Wagon Materials a Specialty. Call on or Address . HOWARD SEBREE CO., Salt Lake City or Ogxien Utah. THE SALT LAKE DEMOCRAT. IDCtlly, 4 :30 P. M. FOR NORTHERN UTAH. Sezxxl- W elsLl-v", every Wednesday and Saturday. Daily, delivered by Carrier, 75 cents per month. By mail, per year, in advance, ad-vance, $7.50 ; six months, $4.00 ; three months, $2.00. Semi-Weekly ; same size as the daily, $3.00 per-year? $2,00 eight months ; $1.00 four months, cash with the order. Agents Wanted Throughout the Territory. 1. The Salt Lake Democrat will fully sustain the principles of the National Democratic party, as enunciated by its National Conventions, and exemplified in the teachings of its great founders. 2. It will advocate the doctrine that the people of Utah have wisdom enough and patriotism enough to govern themselves ; that "the affairs of church and State ought to and must be forever separate and distinct ; and that every citizen should obey the laws. 3. We believe that all the difficulties which surround ' the people of Utah will find a peaceful remedy, if absolute freedom of discussion can be secured, and independent inde-pendent individual judgment expressed. 4. The Salt Lake Democrat will use the language of moderation, and will revile re-vile no man for opinion's sake. While firm in its advocacy of correct political principles, prin-ciples, it will respect the rights of all others to hold contrary opinions. Full Telegrahic Dispatches from all parts of the world and all local news of general interest. Address SALT LAKE DEMOCRAT CO., 69 and 71 W. SECOND SOUTH St. Salt Xia.ls.o City. DERTAKERS. " ESTABLISHED 1864. JOSEPH E. TAYLOR, UN DEE TAKER! A Complete Stock of WOOD, METALLIO and CLOTH-COVERED COFFINS AND CASKETS Constantly on hand. Also a full line of BURIAL ROBES. Masonic, Odd Fellows, and Knights of Pythias emblems furnished on hearse. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Factory and ware-rooms, ware-rooms, No. 253 E. First South street. Telephone No. 70. JOSEPH WM. TAYLOR, TJ 3NT ID 33 IFLT-A. TSL 33 . Funeral Director and Embalmer. 0'fuH and Redwood Coffins and Caskets, Air-tight Oak Cases and Caskets. . , A complete stock of Burial Robes and Undertakers' Under-takers' Goods of every description kept constantly con-stantly on hand. Black or While Hearse. Bodies Preserved without ice for any length of time. Particular attention given to Embalming, Embalm-ing, Shipping and Care of Bodies. Embalming and Shipping a specialty. Lots & Graves Furnished in any Cemetery in City. All orders by telegraph or telephone, day or nieht, will receive prompt attention, Prices low and terms reasonable. . Office never closed. Telephone No. 351. 23 West Temple St., South Island Home Stock Farm, Crosse lie, Wayne Co., Mich. BAVAGE & FARNUM, PbofbietQM. Patrocle No. 2820 (1167). IMPOPTED i Percheron Horses. ! All stock selected from the Ret of sires and dtm ' of established reputation and registered in tn French and A mencan stud books. ISLAND HOME T beautifully situated at the head of Gross Ilm in the Detroit River, ten miles below the Citjr. and l accessible by railroad and steamboat. Vwtort i not familiar with the location may call at city office, Campaa Building, and an escort will accompany Keax to Tthe farm. Send for catalogue, free by Bail. . Address. Savags & Faenum. Detroit. Mich. . MJSELLAhlEUSj Delinquent Notice. NORWAY IRON MINING AND MANUFAC-turing MANUFAC-turing Company of Utah. Location of principal place of business, Salt Lake Ci'y, Utah Territory. Location of mines and works. Mill Creek Mining District, Morgan County, Utah. Notice There are delinquent upon the following described stock, on account of assessment as-sessment levied on the 7lh day of September, 1885, the several amounts set opposite the names of the respective shareholders, as follows fol-lows : No. Cert. Name. No. Shares. Ax't 14 SNoland Simpson 200 S3 00 151 do do 24 36 171 Gratia M Rood -Ufl 6 00 84 do do 50 75 92 do do 50 75 144 do do 60 90 137 S J Admire 90 . 1 35 Uniss'd do de 750 11 25 205 OleJorgensen 246 3 69 Uniss'd do do 1500 22 50 do John Beers 1343 20 15 106 Peter Parkinson 30 45 156 do do 4 06 55 P H Lannan 40 60 And in accordance with law and an order of the Board of Directors, made on the 7th day of September, 1885, so many shares of each parcel of such stock as may be necessary will be sold at the office of the Company, No. 28 Sixth South street (West), Salt Lake City, Utah, on Wednesday. Wednes-day. November 4th, at 2 o'clock p. m., to pay said assessment thereon, together with the cost of advertising and expenses of sale. B. A. M. FKOISETH. Secretary. No. 23 W Sixth South street. O. S. CARVER, Livery , Feed & Sales Stable HAVE THE FINEST CARRIAGE AND SAD-dle SAD-dle horses in the country. Transportation to TAYLOR and PIOCHE on dhort Notice. Terms Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaran-eed. Guaran-eed. Stable at head of Main Street. Frisco. - - - TJta.f i Many a Lady is beautiful, all but her skin ; and nobody has ever told her how easy it is to put beauty on the skin. Beauty on the skin is Magnolia Balm. EUREKA ADVETISJEMJNTS KEYSTONE HOTEL. EUREKA, - - - TINTIC. Best Accommodations in Camp. Terms, $1.50 per Day; $3 per Week. Kin. K. n. HOLLAND, Prop. M. G. ROLPH, Contractor for Lumber and Shingles And Dealer in GRAIN, FLOUR AND PRODUCE. an 8upply of FAMILY GROCERIES on hand. EUREKA - - - TINTIC. XABT, X. LOMAX. JOHN H. CASTER. ( I L03IAX & CARTER, Confectionery AND '! OYSTERS. NEW STAND JUST OPENED. J We make a Specialty of Supplying Church and Social Parties with everything in onr line. No. 29 E. First South. j j |