Show i AS OTHERS SEE US The Democrats are being censured and condemned on all sides and soon they will be entitled to make the claim of I being the chosen people on account of the persecution and revilement that is being heaped upon them The last revilement re-vilement of them comes from the Territorial Terri-torial Enquirer a paper printed Provo and one that is only fit for treason stratagems and spoils and to fol I fr low the course laid out for it J Being low and contemptible and without character place or patronage patron-age it is a most fit channel to convey slander and misrepresentation Claiming to stand on a high level of morality and to be guided by the love of truth and liberty lib-erty it dwells in the depths of envy and m vice It would prefer to see a man sink to its own level rather than to see him rise That which is nearest and dearest to its heart is obscenity and unchastity It makes pretensions to independence yet none are so groveling and servile Having no manhood it envies and hates manhood man-hood in others It is an epitome of all that is and should not be The latest effort of this paper is to vent its wit and spleen upon the Democratic Demo-cratic meeting of last Saturday The Enquirer En-quirer says The object we saywas falsely announced as a ratification of their ticket because scarcely a reference was made to the ticket itself but instead thereof each speaker fiercely attacked the religion and motives of the Latter day Saints This is an error not intentional inten-tional but still an error It is the Enquirer En-quirer that has misrepresented the Democratic meeting The Peoples party was attacked at that meeting but is the Enquirer so lost to all sense of truth and decency as to charge that the politics of the Peoples party and the religion of the Latterday Saints are one and the same thing If all who do not see as eees the Enquirer are blockheads block-heads pray what are those who see as it claims to see If it has any following but it has not so it would be useless to make even a supposition concerning it In speaking of Mr Rawlins and his remarks re-marks concerning his candidacy it made the following comment A great majority of the people of Utah lie said claimed to be Democrats That may be true but then it is tho genuine Democracy Democ-racy they lay claim to11ot Young Democracy Democ-racy but old Democracythe pure unadulterated unadul-terated essence of the thing itself Joseph didnt say this however it is a little interpolation interpo-lation of our own AVill the Enquirer be so good as to explain ex-plain what genuine Democracy is We feel to censure ourselves for asking such a question of such a paper for it could not be good and if such by any means it might be it could not explain what genuine gen-uine Democracy is nor even the politics ofthe party to which it belongs Would it not be well for the genuine Democrats Demo-crats to nominate a ticket because the papers of the Peoples party are always talking about genuine Democracy It seems only to spring up in that party and possibly the reasons why it never forsakes that party and assumes its true name is because there is a divinity that doth hedge genuine Democracy about the same as a king We said that it was in obscenity that the Enquirer chiefly loved to dwell Here is the base and obscene insinuation that it makes against the Democrats For instance that notorious Payson seducer se-ducer of female virtue took unto himself considerable libertymuch more than the law allowsbut because he happens to be a Democrat which wo understand he isthat i isiio reason is itwhy the law should notre i not-re late his liberty If the little liberty assumed as-sumed by members of the Peoples party should be regulated by law why are not the great and extraordinary liberties taken by Democrats Republicans and Liberals also regulated by law So full of insinuations is this paper that it even insinuates against the Peoples lJi party = and says if the little liberty < assumed by members of the Peoples party should be regulated by law The Democratic party does not believe ill allowing any man liberty to violate the laws and not be punished therefor I whether that man be Democrat Mormon or Republican Can your party say so much Enquirer f The paper then makes this low insinuation insinu-ation I It is not the old Democratic doctrine Joseph though it may be the doctrine of the Young Democracy of Utahto make fish of one and fowl ofanother or in other words to assume to regulate by law a mans relations with his wives because that man happens to be a member of the Peoples party while the seducer and the adulterer because he is a Democrat has perfect liberty unrestrained by law to corrupt society Joseph if that is one of the grand and glorious principles to which the Young Democracy are attached we are inclined to think you will be permitted to shout liberty till you are grey headed before a single member worth having of the Peoples party will rally to your standard We never heard that such principles belonged to Democracy before whether old or young Possibly they strayed from genuine Democracy The Enquirer then proceeds to abuse Dr J M Benedict and cast slurring remarks re-marks upon the other speakers If the Enquirer will but publish the speeches that were delivered at the Democratic meeting its readers will have a chance to judge fQr themselves and the Democrats need not fear that that judgment will be unfavorable to them Your readers would appreciate such a treat |