Show star dust seal steals show tyrone power leads infant publishers dy by virginia vale T BEGINS to look as if the I 1 IT various actresses who refused to play the heroine in spawn of the north were smart girls they probably remembered that Ws its dangerous to work in a picture with a clever animal because nine times out of ten the animal steals the picture mention spawn of the north to someone who has seen it and he or she wont reply the battle between the salmon fishers flashers and the pirates exciting or exclaim over the icebergs or the salmon run or the excellent performances for mances of john barrymore and lynne overman not it if he or r she runs true to form the exclamation points will all be for the trained seal slicker wi another animal who became a star overnight is the terrier who played asta in the thin man 0 hell appear with constance bennett in topper takes a trip a sort of sequel to io topper tyrone power is gathering bouquets from those who know about band leaders for his performance in r i 11 17 A TYRONE POWER alexanders ragtime band A little group of musicians was discussing it recently and they said that he merely standing up p there and waving a baton as movie stars whose role require them to turn band leader usually do they main maintained bained that he was actually leading the band elaine carrington was put gently but firmly in her place recently by her son and daughter robert aged ten and patricia aged fourteen mrs carrington in case you dont know is one of radios most successful writers for years she has done the script for pepper youngs family which is broadcast on two nationwide nation wide hookups hook ups on monday and friday mornings and afternoons but patricia and robert are now publishing a magazine the jolly roger at their mothers expense and getting contributions from friends and family the only stories that insisted on having rewritten and they uke like even the r rewritten re e written versions too well are those by the famous elaine carrington Carringto nl ODDS AND ENDS two ol of radios most promising young singers marie mane louise and felix young have just recorded an album of jerome erom e kerns music the A alice ice in in wonderland skating sequence in sonja a denies new picture my aly lucky star makes the picture worth seeing the rest of it quite up to her usual standard dont dons miss miss you cant take it Is with you in some respects its better than the stage version that new york raved overl over Q if western newspaper union umon |