Show WHAT lop TO EAT and WV WHY W HY noted food y authority describes the ACID and ALKALINE ASH FOODS and explains their role in maintaining the ACID BASE BALANCE of the body by C HOUSTON GOUDISS 6 east soth street new york city ACIDITY is the topic of the hour on every side we hear r people complaining that they have too much acid in their systems that they suffer from acid stomach acid headaches hes acid mouth acidosis in fact most adults fancy themselves victims of a great battle between acid and alkaline forces with the acid having the bete bet e ter of it they confuse gastric acidity which is entirely normal for the healthy stomach is always strongly acid with the potential acidity of foods which leave an acid residue following digestion and many of them are convinced that they should take drastic steps to overcome the danger of acidosis the vogue of acidosis there are fashions in disease just as in dress home furnishings and automobiles ten years ago we heard much about the evils of autointoxication and it was some time before people realized that they had been misled by the extreme claims of those who wh 0 had some sort of remedy to sell and now it is acidosis that is the most talked of complaint friends caution one another against this or that food with the mistaken idea that it causes or aggravates an acid condition food faddists faddis ts have frightened thousands by suggesting that acidosis is brought about by mixing various kinds of foods health endangered indeed we have come to a point where the fear of a so called acid condition Is is assuming proportions which indicate the possibility of real trouble unless the american peo people pie get the true facts and put aside these foolish delusions physiologists believe that fear and worry have a detrimental effect on digestion and in turn on the general health thus batin eating 9 meals in constant fear of acidity may upset the digestion and bring about the very symptoms that you are trying to avoid one well known authority contends that perhaps 90 per cent of digestive distress attributed to the kind or combinations of food eaten is actually due to unfavorable mental send for this FREE CHART showing which foods are acid and which alkaline 0 NE of the principles in planning a balanced diet is to include at least enough alkaline or base form ing foods to balance the acid form ing ing foods to help you distinguish the foods that belong in each group C houston goudiss offers to tend send a 0 free chart char listing the principal acid ash arid and alkaline ash foods address C houston goudiss 6 east st new york city or emotional states and other causes such as overeating over eating even when fatigued or consuming at one meal too many foods that are difficult to digest it therefore becomes apparent that thousands of people are contributing to their own discomfort as a result of fear ignorance or a blind belief in misleading claims which are opposed to scientific facts acidosis uncommon the danger is not from acidosis but from the fear of this bugbear and from self medication in the belief that certain remedies are re quiren to overcome a fancied condition for in spite of the large amount of acid produced in metabolism ism the blood normally remains remarkably constant and slightly alkaline due to a highly efficient buffer system I 1 perhaps you wonder if this is so w why hy doctors and dietitians talk so much about the acid base balance the acid base balance to understand this phrase you must know that every food leaves an ash a sh when burned in the body just as ashes remain when coal or wood is burned in a furnace in the body the ash consists of valuable minerals which are required in in large amounts to maintain optimal health some foods such as meat fish eggs and cereals leave an acid ash because the predominating minerals are phosphorus chlorine and sulphur other foods chiefly milk and most fruits and vegetables leave an alkaline as ash h because the remaina remaining ng minerals are principally calcium magnesium potassium and sodium these are the base forming foods besides the alkaline ash and acid ash foods there is a group of foods including sugar cornstarch and purified fats which are so highly refined that no minerals remain after they are burned and some other foods such as butter and cream leave a balance of the two types of ash these are known as neutral foods cannot trust your ton tongue gue the sense of taste cannot be relied upon as a guide in determining de ing which foods are acid and which alkaline for example cereals which are bland to the taste have an acid reaction following digestion bread likewise is acid forming although you would not suspect that fact from its taste on the other hand potatoes though somewhat similar to bread in flavor and food value are one of our most valuable alkaline foods and dried lima beans are the most highly alkaline of any food known it if it seems curious that such bland foods should have an acid ash you may find it even harder to believe that oranges lemons have you a question on ask C houston goudiss k C houston goudiss has put at as the disposal of readers reader of this newspaper all the facilities of his famous experimental kitchen laboratory in new york city he will gladly answer questions concerning foods diet nutrition and their relation to health you are also invited to consult him in matters of personal hygiene its ies not of necessary to write a letter unless you desire for postcard inquiries will receive the same careful attention address him at 6 east eak street new york city grapefruit peaches and tomatoes which taste acid in the mouth leave an alkaline ash following digestion but the fact is that the body performs a clever bit of chemical engineering and the final effect on the blood is alkaline A homemakers responsibility A balanced diet must include sufficient base forming foods to neutralize and counterbalance counter balance the eff effects acts of the acids formed in metabolism that is one reason why it is so important for the homemaker to provide her family with plenty of milk fruits and vegetables in addition to the necessary meat fl ish fish eggs and cereals in general one is likely to feel better when base forming foods predominate at least slightly in the diet over acid forming foods some authorities believe that this may be due not so much to their effect on the acid base balance as to the fact that they provide such splendid amounts of vitamins minerals and fiber however one must not make the mistake of becoming so enthusiastic over building a highly alkaline diet that one overlooks good foods necessary to round out a balanced diet to those homemakers who take seriously the important job of feeding a family and wish to be correctly informed I 1 shall gladly send a chart showing which foods are alkaline and which acid it can be used as a helpful guide in planning a balanced diet send for this chart and increase your food knowledge in the meantime dont under any circumstances cum stances allow misguided individuals to frighten you into joining the vast army of acid minded people who are so concerned over the possibilities of acidosis that they time to enjoy life questions answered I 1 mrs S T R no egg whites most certainly are not toxic except to people who have an allergy toward this food for all normal individuals they offer an excellent source of protein mrs R mck generally speaking the ideal weight for men and women over thirty is their normal weight at the age of thirty from that time on the scales should be watched and the food intake reduced as soon as a gain is noticed when maturity is reached food is no longer required to support growth and unless muscular activity is maintained at a high level the total energy requirement will gradually decline a C houston goudiss 1938 10 |