Show governor phil la follette is energetically pushing hi his is movement for a third or new political party and seems to be making considerable headway considering the short time dime he has been at it john L lewis is said to be promoting a new political labor and farm party there is talk of a third term in the white house for president roosevelt if he chooses to run of course there will be the socialist and the communist factions and by the time the progressive element gets divided and subdivided sub divided into all these various ious groups the reactionaries have only to sit tight in order to recapture the political controls given enough rope the common people usually hang themselves utah motorists should bear in mind that their percentage of motor accidents in 1937 increased 25 per cent over the 1936 record utah is one of only nine states of the union which showed an increase in the number of accidents and only four states montana wyoming south dakota and south carolina showed a higher percentage of increase this should be enough to make utah drivers and utah I 1 law aw enforcement officials sit up and take notice such a record is a reflection upon the intelligence of the people of any state and should never be permitted to occur again in this state every person who drives an automobile shares in this responsibility less speed and road courtesy are si testo safe driving the erection of the large scenic sign at crescent junction depicting high lights in the scenery of southeastern utah and which is now under construction is a step in the right direction and should lead the way to additional publicity for these outstanding scenic attractions we compliment the civic clubs of blanding and monticello and the lions club of moab upon their enterprise and public spirit in sponsoring this worthy undertaking money spent in publicizing this one of our greatest assets will return to us many times multiplied in the future the final word on the european situation seems to be that any rumour ru mour of a break or even a difference of opinion between hitler and mussolini are purely the result of wishful thinking both italy and germany have aims so diametrically opposed to the interests of france in europe and to the interests of england and france in africa that it is difficult to see any possible chance of either sacrificing the present rome berlin axis for the doubtful benefits of an anglo french alliance in other words the freebooters will probably stick with their guns and rely upon force rather than upon treaties and alliances |