Show ROP sired wh leghorn reds keds rocks orp leghorn PULLETS and STARTED CHICKS Patt ericks hatchery grand junction colorado modern den beauty salon permanent wave to 1000 electric manicure 50 and 75 cents phone MOAB UTAH SITTON STORE BLANDING UTAH A progressive obliging store in new quarters additional space new merchandise new lines WE TRY TO PLEASE gome come in and see Us LYMAN GARAGE blanding utah automotive accessories conico products goodyear tires world famous philco radios WEEKLY TRUCK SERVICE BLANDING AND GRAND JUNCTION LA SAL LIVESTOCK STORE COMPANY LA SAL UTAH carries a large and complete stock of GENERAL merchandise and are agents for mccormick peering deering farm machines tractors implements do not decide upon a tractor or other farm implements clements ts until you have looked over our line |