Show NOTICE OF democratic C COUNTY 0 U N T Y convention notice is hereby given that the county convention of the democratic party for san juan county will be held at the court house in monticello the county seat of said county at p in OR on tuesday may 17 1938 that at said convention delegates delegat es of f I 1 democratic state Conven Convent convention tio iop jl be elected and a county chairman vice chairwoman secretary treasurer and a county central committee to serve for the ensuing two years will be chosen and other party affairs may be considered delegates to such county convention shall be chosen at a democratic mass meeting to be held in each voting district in the county on or before monday may 16 each of said voting districts is entitled to the number of delegates specified below after the name of such district as follows name of dist no of delegates bluff no 1 2 monticello no 2 10 blanding no 3 8 la sal no 4 2 lockerby no 6 5 3 cedar point no 6 2 summit point no 7 1 boulder no 8 democratic CENTRAL OF SAN JUA JUAN C TY UTAH by WILLIAM HANSEN chairman H E BLAKE secretary |