Show BLANDING NEWS RED CROSS RELIEF GIVEN TO VICTIMS IN DISASTERS tornadoes fires hurricanes floods epidemics make record of year A history of the disasters in the united states in any year ls la written annually by the american red cross according to Chair chairman nian john dart barton on payne commenting on the report lor for the year ending june 30 1934 which has auxt been issued in washington because of 0 the charter provision which places upon the red cross the responsibility tor for disaster relief relict our chapter and staff workers are notified of all calamities ot of storm and fire and good flood he be continued the emergency period may prove to be brief la in cases where the vic victims tims have their own resources to draw on while it lasts however whether it brings the immediate diate need ot of food clothing and shelter for the homeless or entails a program ot of investigation and rehabilitation the red cross is the official director ot of all relief ft A great variation in type and a wide geographical distribution characterize acte the disasters reported last year tornadoes hurricanes hall hail storms and other storms made up almost one ona halt hall of the total especially numerous were the tropical storms which swept la in from the sea to the atlantic and gulf coast region there were 21 storms ot of this type establishing a new record for frequency next in number to storms were di disasters S of fire alre the report shows red cross aid was given following 25 fires alres in the united states and insular possessions the most spectacular was the chicago stockyards stock yards ere where red cross workers arrived shortly atter after tho the fire started administering relief until the emergency period passed giving first aid to about 1000 persons floods caused serious damage in some sections 17 calling for red cross relief three explosions were reported and three epidemics of malaria and typhoid fever A school bus wreck was one of the years tragedies for which red cross funds were needed tor for relief and rehabilitation technique acquired by the red cross la in these disasters and hundreds of others we have handled is at the service of the public chairman n payne said to make tills this possible the disaster relief service has issued a manual containing instructions tor for chapters interested in advance preparations tor for emergencies disaster in were held last year in as s strategic trat egle locations to enable red cross and civic workers to formulate tor mulata plans for possible disaster emergencies in their communities support ot of the disaster relief activities ot of the red cross comes from the annual roll call held each year from armistice day to thanksgiving day |