Show MAKE ALL WAR ON grasshoppers CRAS SHOPPERS untold millions or of gras slippers have keen been destroyed in the state ot of utah this summer by the use ohsoo of 1300 tons ot of p poisoned bait which was dis tributes trl tri buted to the farmers ot of tile the state by the united states department of apiculture agriculture states IV IV henderson entomologist of the utah agricultural college liege ca though Thoi ith we have met with success in much of our crops from the p this summer it if would be a serious ser lus mistake to believe that our troubles with them nrc are over had we succeeded in destroying 50 per cent of them there are still mil millions linns left to provide a good god population of 0 for next year says mr fr menders henderson fn an anticipating such an event now is the ti tine lime ne to tn ri prepare for it this late ate fal season Is lia an opportune time to t deal this enemy a 1 terrible blow before the ground freezes up anil and 01 11 ase age Is impossible nearly all the old od grasshoppers die in the fail but before loins doing so tile the mother grasshopper coal linni reds of es eggs in and hides them about an inch beneath the surface of tho the soil sell the ift higher ber and drier elevations on the form farm unmolested canal hanks banks roadsides rows blun boundary dary lines lilies and untilled spots and nil ill such places fire arc the areas selected elected for th the depositing and boncea ins of the egg capsules les the farmer may have ft a little difficulty in recognizing the capsules lie ile cause they are arc so skillfully c I 1 they look very kiich like small fr lra regular elongated clods of earan ns qa ill fiig around as a pencil and an inch or r sj s j la in length lit these clods avro ire broken the they will quickly lie be recognized lla liming ing found the egg laying i ying centers it is only necessary tu to hlub tile team to t the ilse disc harrow spring or even tile the splice spike tooth and tear up the countless ek capsules concealed just under the surface it the egg capsules are broken bricen exposed to th ahr surface or hurled deep in the ground the e eggs as will never hatch and the next nest great army of t grasshoppers Is destroyed before it ever appears from an hour nr ar so to t a halt half day 0 this kind at f warfare wit wil tie lie ware more effective titan many days spent silent the next nent kinnier sin smi nier limer in campaigns of 0 other kinds |