Show metaphysical TRUTHS in accordance with tile te promise made last week meek let its s give thought now to a few orts references to to present day conditions and work backward so to speak through the different ilin erent states sti ites of boeing uniti we understand how low it becomes possible to live in fit human tonn form and to contact tle tile uncalled sn sio called unseen realms at one fine ind tile the s same ime time ks As wo live ille in this physical world n if being libin we lire more generally con cerneil with the he material practical things or of life anil and we have lave shut out of out our minds fill all thought of or con for the 01 OP ALL IMING Ie lle ansa cause we are now ing in on the alani OP OF ALL known as the AL PLANE which is concerned only with what we cill the five physical phy a leal senses it follows that we doirs noirs ourselves elves forbid contact with tile the nii itealine Itea ne lins in out our desire to satisfy these physical senses this plane ot of understanding understand ins Is also symbolize toy liy tile color RED itei and ns as we analyze the full significance of color value we can more easily linder understand stand some of the expressions you hear bear relative to in tills this color just as it Indicia tes passion pis slon anzer anser and turbulence of mind so does it ii I 1 create within nn individual A de desire to manifest accord accordingly when PIK proper V r control of the five senses la is not in evidence that Is when we allow out oui selves to SEE REAR OR TO DO ANY OF THINGS WHICH THESE AROUSE DESIRE MR FOR and which tend ty t disturb and allot I 1 disrupt our human organism we have lived lit in this realm tor for a long period ot of time although at the start of this period we were much I 1 less e as influenced by the tha cosmic conditions because tia causo the transition from the previous state that known its as the emotional state of being was much easier to make than lian that through which we are passing now just ns as uie the colors which represent these two states of heing heln are more easily harmonized than those of our present and future periods so was the transition less difficult to make this Is also true or tile tho va various rinus types of people who respond to these aliese alois because bac ause each cadi and every one ot of us its reflect the color under which we vibrate as you learned lit in earlier talks and therefore we find it more difficult now to associate with those who are opposite in nature that a distinct and separate set of is lit in evidence under each predominating influence reca Bec ailse iise the so call ed sin RED is so opposite front from the INFLUENCE to which we are progressing it hewines beon he cines leg Dec necessary essary to divorce ourselves in el cory cry sense of nf the word from the p hoople opte and conditions which represent tile the opposite front fron that th which is har to us its those who are minded are havins having perhaps an even more difficult time tai alinn in the spiritually minded nl at they q anre re mal malins zing it terrifically bird tor for the latter in that they have alho reil so so much strength over the period ot of years and cycles ot of time in v aich which they haae lived under tills this influence and because liec their POWER lowi 11 ll must dust lessen as we pro press into the so called spiritual age they are figh fighting tinz harder than ever t retain supremacy As you kive give to people and conditions with whom and under which you are forcel to live for the lie moment you will bezin to understand why you yon must suffer it if you yau are try ans in to aline ourselves selves with those who are banden lian ilin together to live more simple lives and to the teaching given unto us its 1900 years aso ago when the lie great crest teacher of all times came into life to prepare many of nt us who were with illin then for this particular ticul ir period through h which we are now nov passing pass ln to lie continued |