Show DRY VALLEY NEWS klites atef nt the outermost point arn t the tuesday evenin everil liz business ine eting held nt lit this point was well weil attended messages ot of instruction were read ly by jerry and 1211 followed toy a general of nt ways and means knotty problems were elucidated ly by our leader who I 1 presided oer ON er the meeting tile thursday eleming meeting at tills this paint led by daisy naden who lead three messages inessa es of development was opened and closed with meditation Ille odita ind song son the cabin and workshop of nf is bearin ne dearins arin completion at erie section and the cabin of 0 terry jerry anti and irma schroeder at the same point is well underway the commissary department Is growing dally daily more systematized thanks to the efforts of the f faithfull gitlit faith fill ones appointed t to that ot of duty the sunday school children shaw gh jw evidence of having studied their special 9 pe messages recorded tor for them and bf b having profited thereby while each week shows a new rain gain ot of quality in the sn sins service sundays Sun daya service was attended by all the Commin community lity children and several adults the solo rendered by our little vernita wis was very well ell done and with credit not only to herself but t to the training ns ac our musical director mrs 3 irs kha ell a sprague Spra aue the sunday twilight service led by mirie 31 0 coplen ien varied from its usual program in that we had rei rend ings froin var various lotis letters and mess mesa a es frim fram friends in the outside world slid and from tile the tennessee section q we were with 11 solo toy liy tiva avi the meeting closed with a silent meditation of nt krent grent spiritual fr tre fre t r e and these are busy days for each member fir f the even daveli the calill dren hating their regular resu lir anti anil appointed tasis which ore are mostly very faithfully pen Pel ormial formel and apparently in a che arrul and loving spirit |