Show legal notices NOTICE TO WATER USERS state engineers office galt lake city utah july 5 1934 1034 notice Is hereby riven given that P F P jones monticello utah likis lais made application in accordance with the laws ot of utah to t appropriate 2 sec fit of water from north montezuma creek in san junn juan county utah said water wafer will be diverted at a point poin t which bears W ft N 1485 ft from the SV cor se sc 20 26 T 31 S it 21 3 E B isab 31 and conveyed by ditch 4 and used from fell feb 1st ast to nov ine of each year as a sup il supply to irrigate 50 acres of land anti embraced in see sec 20 26 and isec SO sa T 33 S R 23 E r S L 13 ar 31 As much water waler as may lie le necessary necess nry will be used during each enfroy year for domestic and stock wat watering erint purposes this Is designated in th the state eState engineers office ns file no I 1 all protests against the granting of at said application stating the tha rea I 1 sons must be by affidavit in duplicate accompanied with a fee of and filed in this offee within thirty 30 days after the completion of the publication of this notice T H HUMPHERYS state engineer date of first publication july 12 34 date data of last publication aug 1 0 34 NOTICE TO WATER USERS state engineers office salt lake city utah july 5 1934 1034 notice Is hereby given that F P tones jones monticello utah has made RP ap la in accordance with the laws ot of utah to appropriate 2 see sec ft of water from north montezuma creek in san juan county utah said water will be diverted at a point which bears 18 43 79 leg deg W ft from tile rl cor see sec 27 T 33 S it 23 E 9 L B 11 and conveyed by ditch lwe ft and used from tel feba 1 to november net ot of each year as a supplemental supply to irrigate BO 50 teres acres of land embraced in and NESE see sec 1 10 T 33 S it IL S L B M As much water as may be necessary will be used during each entire year tor for domestic and stock watering purposes this application Is designated in tile the state engineers office as file no alt all protests against the granting or 0 sald said sa ld application stating the reasons there fw must be by affidavit in duplicate accompanied with a fee of and filed in this dofice within thirty 30 days after the completion of the publication of this notice T H HUMPHERYS state engineer date of first public publication ution july 12 34 date of last publication aug 9 34 |