Show metaphysical TRUTHS adt T dt us rire give thought this wee week to another important word which is the keynote of nil there is in the vere and without vit hout the practice thereof nothing meaning NO THING can come into lifting being Is the word idt us analyze it from the standpoint standpoint 0 of f metaphysical tea chinar and accord inz t f your ince of this analysis PLUS THE TO LIVE ACCORDING TO IT will you kain gain advancement there are any number of defini eions for tills this word in the di dictionary from firm belief or trust in a person so n thine doctrine etc to FAITH IN GOD and geons recognition ot of spiritual realities and moral principles es as supreme or the will of gods favor extended to man thru thra christ all of these definitions are more or less vague in that they do not brindz out or emphasize the intangible some t thina h which Is like the seed from jhc which we may prow grow that which we would have come into being according to the tt trpe ot of seed see we may plant jut ju tn t as such tape of seed will brins bring into ohp thin we expert expect to t raise from it so will FAITH tiring brine vorn or GROWTH no matter what it is as we will put all the power within our own being thein OF OR OP dr we would WILL INTO BRING BEING the greber vie alo thin we would see accomplished the greater must lie ile our apportionment of FAITH ald and ly by the pime token the more of 1 ten I 1 we ire davar in our determination VI brink bring into that which we can do the less chance w we e bave of accomplishment I 1 Is once we nye set forth fi 0 ilo do a thin we birst PUT hafk OP OF tire THE ALL ASSURANCE CAN akiu PLES PITS HE n nry TO AID INA TER IAL all ANA WAY 1 Y THAT ri winch WE 1 WORLD srn arn accomplished clience the expression faith vi works is leal dead james alint Is more the of if the words FAITH and WORKS will move mout mountains ains so to speak in hebrews 11 1 we find this now falth fajth Is the substance of things thing hoped tor for the evidence of things not seen ponder on these words and then read the entire chapter and see what lias has transpired the a ares zes because men and women have had farraf and the courage to do 10 those thin s which were assigned to them to to do thru inspiration received in diverse ways according to the times in which they i I 1 lived IV e d like TRL TRUTH falth faith is ithe essence or of perfection but lit it represents some thin even lit her than truth in th eliat at it is tile SOURCE OP of G all and wit without hoult faith is no thins accomplished therefore it is ALL THAT WAS IVA IS oil of 1 VER WILL III lik to understand truth you must believe but to understand falth faith YOU yon mait KNOW IV faith therefore is tile the i knowledge know ledye that you have within your selves the power to accomplish anything i you have jall wish to do I 1 ks As you put iut force back of the word power force in tills this sense ot of mean I ins ing WILL or willingness ness to do 10 so will you accomplish that thins thing you set beart upon to do if truth Is the sense ot of IM ING and faith Is the ithe sense of KNOWING we may also liken faith to that INNER boim ming winon THE REAL YOU AND MK ME it therefore resolves into that torm form of spirit or which rn mp presents resents the unseen world of 0 things because this Is so it requires greater forrace and more d determination to carry thru to fulli till ment the things of the future in the fae face of at so go much uncertainty in the world of beins being today but as we will submit ourselves to 0 o the HIGHER TEACHING tills dills Is possible to have as we can make communion the thru thra meditation and aal ile he willing to clai TAIN TT truths wl ar ty remt RE RECEIVE mt VE so BO will we KNOW alini is to do as we emeree from the times we a are re facing sc now mw to ole continued |