Show 0 DAY celebration drews 1 KNO N HERE monday morning with rood good weather not too atoo warm for summer time monticello became the mecca for hun deeds of 0 visitors who come from all directions to the well known celebration on the 23 anil 24 many were already here hut but liy by noon san juans capital bowed that a good clime with an ram of sports and entertainment Is appreciated the moah illah school liand land was greatly appreciated anil the 37 players amel added much h to the celebration tills this band in their nalty white uniforms Is composed of both itous and girls from the moab school under the leadership ot of miss heth beth stout an IS ili year old contest prize emm majr their fine work ia i due to the direction cf mr stoat the ithe doali bloam music tea cher who tendered their services service which lid so much to lend color and to this two day celebration in the mornine the main event was the junior ball pame game between moah and Rl anding the latter aby ihy one score as will appear elsewhere that left monticello to play blinding on tuesday which was a real baseball pame game even if tt it was avas hv bv the juniors details of this contest will appear in another column to many the formal ment of the celebration was the rodeo at the fair arounds aroun Or ft starting at 2 pm anil a larse large list of events that too took all the virile rime until til 6 5 followed quite near to the printed pro ram but with many stunts roping etea interspersed and at that idour many were 1111 races and contests tuesday it was attend willby billhy an even larser larger crowd and and the mires also leaden attractions even with the lesser number given much consideration I 1 i race nace horbes hor acs ics were iv lre ivre re in ili areat Dor flip rs and the taie thorough tho bred race animals some brot fr from 1 l m phoenix and others from new mexico d and I ain finx retained his I 1 hv bv tating tat taina much of the better bemer donev offered ofT ered buace will not permit and our re old not all the fl calls but abri til fol lowns is an outline of the pap for at the fair G Gr rm Minds i D ds one mile free for all al won bv bar com bat bv bir IT mills infill z with the oiiver horse tal pal second and the shelly horse ons one half mile for two year olds title bitte atte ridden bv mills stills tok ast 1st 1 st fallowes fallowed fall fiAl owed ly by borina r B ridden hv and snap ridden by kiric of N mexico one halt mile free for fir all first tittle bille i ildon hy by word and me uva airmen en ly ilni aln PIN Cs elson ielson and with sails arill P aln tn in tie the 8 dit tip 1 and adli med ta t dierse altho ganv f them f tr tn tf it wit on the track but time old not mile bivs conr nr raci race opt won hr bv tle tile mcg r posey albov fird fir d the small PS flo e lad apat a fair assort mont nf t ann inq prill horses tn in th tho TV roo rn nn odd tion flon of skill and of man a anil nal nfl dionio P 1 vot first and ragle herger sand oriyo out oot of a dwen ichii iT events fit 1 are is tincey ot nt first ron nn ta tl alv anil nil a itte I tv ar won avon R sand nd verp sero ral fine pv P lichi ons of it i t rind a number nii who se ml alle tn t SHIV sa ratin man lenin f costs in ia adl to ap a WIP ek hns v rattle cattle fra arni oin nn band iana in P rola arn bior r war wari i q i noel no el act oliver olier V er first fp neth ralley balley second apol rdv toni third fr r filp nil rare race coq T Qt tte first anil on 61 kelley elon K ta second SECOND DAY A BIG ONE althou li mottled odes at times rn which lid refresh several nearby sections i rin thine intervened ter to prevent another laree crowd from assembling at the fair grounds to t the of the second afternoons celebration of tills pala gala celebration alie hours bours basseo all too ton oil lickly tor for thoe easer eager ir aw nitin anil and anticipation z each ev ent on uis alne card present il by layhe the j merlc sn leaion to the of pioneer dav dar the 1 igich band added their to tile the estuis est with several selections aal art an exhibition drill defore the grand stand the in lir table jimmy smith clowned crowned bl till way to the hearts of young and old alike was run burx over by a heavy car and later thrown liy bucking hucking bronco all a part of ills his frolic thedrol the program ram opened with a special 3 mile free for all race nice in which little nillie billie took tok the lead with geo stills mills up second money going to jiggs under frank mills tills this th 7 1 8 was followed ly by a az mile sad saddle dle horse race with live contestants jim nielson on skillfully piloted IK big boy to the ble big money followed home by J smith on oil kins king in the junior mounted match rex hex barton ma dalton wen we let clet frost and clyde jenson easily proved their strength streng til over the opposing iteal composed of buster ragle eagle herser berer I 1 merlin palton dalton grant AM anater der son and vert beason the ladies indies were here given a chanc to show their horsemanship hy by the introduction of a special 12 mile race in which ethel lancaster on patsy ann lost by a neek neck to bess willer on BOTIn nonnee le B A moment of temporary gloom overshadowed this well contested match when the third entry midnight broke from the track and crashed thru a fence throw ing ills his rider ida miller ler altho in ing without serious injury miss bliss ler er sustained a badly sprained shoulder and painful scalp lacerations re quiring surg surgical icat attention in the A mile tree free tor for all event jim nelson rode meadow to an easy victory over little rillie billie with geo ward up tills mills on parky on the rear A special novelty event was tile chicken cuir in which four indians from the reservation were opposed by loyd floyd I dalton palton dalton yn wil fred 1 I rost st and klondy allen alien in tills aln a cae a bag of gold v in ili the ah mile rack pack horse race helier frost took the first money altho gamely contested hy by marvin nit dal ton who might have taken first honors it if the pack hart had not dot slipped and dragged due to faulty alein kenneth halley bailey proved to be a 11 lightning change artist as lie he twice shifted mounts in tile the saddle horse relay to win from bill baw who gleel to a finish against odd oddi i the event of the day was the one mole mo lefree free tor for all in which roast boast fut lerl led the field to first money with hank mills rl ilin Com 0 omia after batter proved worthy of tile the name in con tending teni lins for second place with irith gall 01 iver on an pal lal riding third the closing event wa was a special con sol atlon race of a halt half mile for a 10 curse purse in which george mills BUDS rode dick seth reth to a victory over 1 smith on cotton tall tail marion hunt on finisi finishing bing third plenty of thrills were injected between the regular events iby by som ey ex bibi tion eidins and the contest buck ing riders hest best money went tent V to andy delaney who made a pretty ride on a wicked mount versil keel earned second money end wallace bailey 3rd ard tile the enthusiasm inthir asinsin sinsin of spectators ran lil it as they dispersed at six with iiii regrets that such a feast of fun comes unit but twice a year DANCES CROWDED two days ot of such importance locally ns the lie annual celebration of i pioneer day la in which the ilium drum and dally routine were nvere forgotten otten in the alie excitement of koiles and prize fights were appropriately brot to a close with dances in the school house and court holism jilie proved far too small to tile merry crowd who assembled each from far and near to enjoy the seductive strains ot of music furnished furnis lied a by a six piece orchestra from durango under tile the enchantment of rhythm tle tile subtle la influence fluence moon nearing hill fill many fight teet feet tripped away the hours bours until long lonc post past midnight reluctantly leaving with a sigh ot of satisfaction |