Show SOUTH POINT the wildman faintly are new arrivals froom texas they hav como come ito to make a home here the c bere anre of 0 getting a community well prodded ded liy by th ill thi i g in si a short time it is now approved peters Is the only water sup ply for numerous families here the spring cpr in is il rained to t fill family water barrels every ilay day Y gardens and farm crops crop arp a failure fallar e due to the extreme dry season many of if the seeds planted did not even sprout mr anti mrs J 11 W anderson anti and their daughters dau aters may and inez accod palled pari leil by y C IL if oliphant Oll pliant are spend inz in a few days in isalt lake city anti and roosevelt mr and mrs lee miller filler returned from salt late lake here iliev went to lie at the bedside of mrs larn q 11 millers illers mother who underwent a serious opera operation tien thursday rain fell saturday sufficient to lay the dusl 1131 and cool the atmosphere miss rite glaittli is spend inz in n siv sit weeks dipre biti lier iler people mr irr anti and mrs fi 11 II car ringe ro wesley larsen of salt lake city is sn ending a short time ame with his people mr and mrs chas larsen larsan |