Show le legal gal notices IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE SEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF UTAH WITHIN AND FOR thi THE COUNTY OF SAN JUAN S SUMMONS U M M 0 N S henry n B carlson PLAINTIFF vs ida carlson DEFENDANT tiie the state ot of utah to tile said defendant you are hereby summoned tto ito appear within twenty days after the ser vice ot of oils summons upon you if served within the county in which this oils actions act ionIs brought otherwise with in thirty days after service and defend the above entitled action and in case of 0 your failure to do so judge pleat pent will viii be rendered against you according to the demand ot of the complaint which hasi has ha s been filed with the clerk of said court this action Is brought to recover a judgement jud gement dissolving the marriage marriaga lieret heretofore afore existing between you and the plaintiff F B hammond P 0 moab utah F iv keller PO monticello utah attys tor for the plaintiff 62 6 2 21 IN THE DISTRICT COURT SEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT IN AND FOR SAN JAUN COUNTY STATE OF UTAH NOTICE OF OX ON application FOR fon dissolution in the matter ot of the application on behalf of theP the Hoard oard oi 61 directors of the la sal isal LIN livestock estock company a corporation tor for dis dig glutton ot of said corporation IS 19 HEREBY GIVEN that an tor for the voluntary dissolution of 0 the la sal ra livestock company a corporation nas ivas flie I with me on tile the day of t june 1034 1014 and that on said date the alie court made and filed ts is order setting said application tor for hearing at two oel tick pm of tuesday the ath day ot nf august 1934 lit at the court room rt of tile the court house in monticello utah and that notice thereof lie given by publishing notice of tile time thue and place of 0 said hearing in fire consecutive issues bissu ot the san gan juan record the last such publication to lie at least ton ten days prior to the said jtb day of august 1931 at any time prior to the time so fixed tor for said hearing any person may file his objections to said application SIY MY HAND HAAN D and ithe seal OC 0 said court tills this day of june I 1 1934 frank nails halls clerk of the district court of san isan juan county state ot of utah C 21 I 1 NOTICE TO WATER USERS state engineers office salt lake city utah july 5 1934 notice Is hereby eh ri en that F P r jones monticello utah li ii as made application in in accordance with the laws of utah to id appropriate 2 see sec ft of 0 water from north montezuma creek in san juan county utah sail said water willbe will 16 diverted at a point which bears AN W ft N 1485 1495 ft from the isia 18 cor sf se 26 T 33 4 S R 23 E R isic isi and con conveyed eyed by ditch 4 87 and used from pet aeb ast 1st to nov of each year as n sup slip plein pleni supply to irrigate Irrie ate 70 i ia acres of 0 land embraced in seia SE sec gec 20 and isec 36 T 33 S R K R 23 E S L B lif M As much water as may lie necessary will tie be used during each enire year tor for domestic and stock watering purposes this application is designated in the state engineers off office lee us as lie file no 52 all protests against the granting ot of said application stating the reasons must be by affidavit in duplicate accompanied with a fe tee e of and filed in this dofice within thirty 30 days after the completion of the publication of this notice T 11 HUMPHERYS state LIng engineer ineer date of first july 12 34 date of last publication an all 0 9 34 NOTICE TO WATER USERS state engineers office salt anke city utah july 5 1034 an 4 notice Is hereby given that F P r jones monticello utah ling hns made dp ap in accordance with the lawe of utah to tc ap pp 2 sec ft of water from kortig creek in san juan county utah Sal saltwater dwater said water will be diverted divert edat at a polin point which bears S 79 19 ley deg W 16 ft from the EI E cor sec 1 27 q T 33 S it 23 E R 19 I 1 B aind conveyed ly fly ditch tt ft anil used from iel I el 1 to november ov ember of each year as a supplemental supply to irrigate 0 fteres ot of land embraced in belh E XIU 8 la 14 and 1 sec c 2 ag T 33 IS it II tits L IS 11 31 As lucli yater avater its as may be necessary will be used luring each ejob entire year for dome domestico stIO anil and stock alering purposes altis application Is designated in tile the state Eno loftice lie ia file xa y aal all protests against tho the granting ot of said application stating the reasons must be by affidi affidavit vit in duplicate accompanied with a fee of 1100 and filed in this dofice within thirty 30 days after the completion of the publication ot of this notice T H HUMPHERYS state engineer rate ot of first publication july 12 10 34 04 date of last publication au ali 0 34 4 boult poultry y specialists or e experts c can readily pick out the pullets i and cocker cockerell cockerels els in a group rt qt newly hatched chicks |