Show monticello CIS CLUB MET SATURDAY saturday enins itlie dille blue moun tain civic chic club held a meeting inthe court house pr president arthur wood presiding secretary G M palmer read rent the ithe minutes of the last meeting As soon as formalities were over the members sot got right into business mat and a rather interesting discus slon sion resulted A road and bridge over the vega wash east of town was agreed to toe be urgent and members members said it was promised liy by the road commission as soon os colorado orado connected up with the utah raelea grae graebel rae led lel road out east A motion to remind the road officials that that this Is important and much need frd ed was passed unanimously it was agreed that san kimn is entitled to a CC camp for tall fall and win ter and that if it should he placed lit at klaila ri right ait hway away blat as soon as winter demands demanda its removal demoi al that it le kept in tile the county rol rodent lent con arol ii 61 was apparently regarded ns as important ns as any other work as long as vie prairie logs flogs will take the bait which mr fa fager er said would he be idill green grass starts this tall fall or until the ithe rodents end their seasons work next fall 11 II W 11 ott engineer in charge of drouth relief acta the club ame ime frood od advice telling them he hell believed helleved eved colorado has done more to advertise monticello and san juan this year than the people here have done sir ott thought that people here were quite dilatory in asking for their rights ana in liel heleng to for eulate a proper program pro ram and thit that emergency drouth relief water supply for livestock Is very seri serious county agent kager eager agreed that tle the condition of of cattle Is much worse than many suppose tanil the ithe situation is rapidly becoming worse olen glen woodward of the club with leonard denison as ti with him froni froin la sal joined the discussion and explained how badly cattle ire are faring now especially in the coyola wash air keller was given author ity to phone Dired direktor tor peterson of the emergency committee and if action is riot not taken by july lith lie was authorized zed to proceed from price to salt lake for personal interviews bilth officials there light refreshments anil and a keg of 32 3 beer provided something for pener gener al sustenance and stimulation it etwas was a idely meeting |