Show 00 Y YOU OU KNOW TH THAT AT the anly reason why we have any fear at all Is because we do not love god enough if we loved him one halt as much as we love lore ourselves of W what at should we tie be afraid ang anker er spite resentment and hate bate nil such things altern talve expressions of tear fearlo jealousy malice and all funchar stableness It denote a belief that there Is not enough good to go around and therefore if t the other fellow gets all that lie wants of good toil we shall have to so 0 short and what hit Is this hut but to restrict the express expression lon of lite life in ones own soul condemnation resentment ill III nill mill are just so many restrictions up on the free flow of life and since they are alloi aliened ed to exist is it any wonder th 1 it t the world is with sin sickness and de death athil this Is also why men and women gr STOW ow old and tired and wrinkled and worn and ultimately lose their oodles altogether and why there is desolation by wars famines and pestilences ti unless ve axe will baili up tip within our souls a real and practical love consciousness our other activities will lie ile more or less futile and that it we HAVE the impersonal love con selous ness sufficiently well de eloped towards all everything else will follow the pathway of love calls for no expensive laboratory in which to work because your on oin dally daily life and your ordinary dally surround an fn ings s are your laboratory love will test heal you love will comfort you yo love will snide gulde you love will illumine you love will re deen deem 3 you 31 1 from sickness ani death anti and lead you into the promised land that place that is altogether lo lot doely ely iely otel notel N nate the abolia e quotations jare xe also taken from the aforesaid booklet and it if practiced in your dally hies you cannot but come into a new un derst andins of hat the great master lag taught when lie ile waa cd anions among men may ills his love surround and protect you in all your ways and bring brans yon into the p of love which leads to INACE OF |