Show BLANDING N NEWS EW S YOUNG 0 U N G dieb DIE bruce r perkins parkins born bom the ditth ot of Mi fitrell trell 1923 the ali e priori briod hospital july P 6 an imite a bilte form of 0 blood polson int olie he was the son i of mr air and mes irs corey Ta irking oc anding bruce tell fell out of a tree in front off of his home find and his arm by dig locating the elbow joint and terribly tearing tearing the ligaments on july 2 ite he was rushed on the way to salt lake july 4 but was to t proceed far ther than price because bt bf the pain doctor and sirs mrs osmond of salt lake were in blanding to attend the tun eral and also misi clira adams of that city came down by auto funer al services were held in blanding july li 8 they were so solemn lonin comforting and full ot of uplifting faith with a note of prophecy for or the future lutui e the first song was my father knows this was followed by sometime is 19 am onie e where both liy by tile the choir 0 of t blanding 1 a n d A trio of girls sang sweetly 1 I know my rede redeemer enier lives alene jones marle black slid and carol porter forter bros brog nielson Nl elson jones lyman all of blandena Bland lna and dishop bishop A J redd of monticello were ere the speakers bro lyman sounded a note of prophecy when he said there will come liere here to the people in blanding lecul peculiar tar and glorious things which will make our ears tiarle broi bro johnny rogers of prayer rail pall bearers were melvln anav and joe oe adams vicent jones clayton parking ray perkins clarence perking closing closen hymn was offered toy by blanding choir little child ren gathered tile the flower wreaths in berment was in blanding Blan dinK cemetery bruce perkins perk ins was a willing and a bright worker helas he was a mem member berof of the 4 H club the trail builders and he was a member of the Il blanding landing t junior baseball bas ceball team CARD OF THANKS we wish to express our sincere lip appreciation prep lation for th the e sympathy and kind floral offerings so 90 given hy our ninny many friends in this time of bereavement at the death of our beloved son bruce mr and mrs ff C perking and family saturday the fth air and mrs von bowly left tor for isalt lake to make their home permanently the marriage license was issued in monticello july 2 sir mr 17 rowley Is the son of sir and sirs mrs lorenzo Lore bontey of salt falt lake mrs ethel rowley Is tile the daughter ot of sir mr claude palton dalton of ot if Loc lockerby utah sir mr you rowley spent his early life here lit in Wan banding ding IV when lien asked how lie liked married life luis has reply was 1 I have a damn fine wite wife okay so tar far clandine Cland lne had three dunces dances week of ft the month july 3 4 and 5 frank barton who suffered a skull fracture the of june Is now alle able to be propped up lip in bed liy by the aid ad of pillows altho weak from his fi fislid ht fur for lite life the of july he had some color in his cheeks and was alie able to say a few ni words to visitors lie ile still sill has a little trouble tron lile in hearing bearing from one ear miss isama atema Bar torii e learn has begun a seiei of mer two to weeks with the measie measles mr ft wesley parton barton Is sill weak from them SITS mrs barton certainly has had ier her share of sickness slie needs rest and sleep miss donna barton will ally ably continue her work in angan miss vera mcallister McAllist sr 11 ass iks decia ed to be a dancer two winters ago she had some lessons lesson ui lit der I 1 miss liss west in the blandina fourth prade grade and she dancey dance 1 lor for the PTA meet lak ing then sirs mrs D balaes mother inot lier mrs yel halliday nal liday is I 1 vici in lir hr li h r baughier I 1 angl cpr it n blanding BInn dinK for ahme or four beelis mrs Hall hon he mi Is in salt lale thomas carrot carrol and wits wife mr and sirs mrs heber carroll took a trip saturday to see the sawmill ill they had lunch there and came bome late in the arter afternoon noon mr and sirs mrs thos carroll are from salt lake they will stay in blanding until the first of au aug list doctor and mrs osmond let lert mon day the oth tor for salt lake by auto breither Br rither kumen jones 78 lias has tor for the past three weeks been doing or fir finance work in the salt lake temple ile he Is the only grown mart man left of the pioneers who came into this country thru the hole in the idock the san juan river is dry except for small holes where catfish cat fisli ind and slickers still survive mr and mrs douglas galbraith and sir mr and mrs guy palmer caught july 7 while on the river they saw no in airplane ov evidently surveying the river as it kept to the water course the blanding crazy Quil visited monticello by car july 6 biti 11 14 1 1 nein bers presen ihly apy 1 cited At fl three quilts and 2 and a 1 I halt bats at one ting lunch and ice fee cream was served by mrs sarah black of monti cello the members are as follows sirs porter amy carroll myrus myrtle and eva palmer agnes hurst eva riller tip leona nielson Nl elson florence johnson rattle guyman gutman annie and martha carroll alice black and annie young mr ClIf clifford rord lyman Is moving ills sheep sheen camp tor for PA ed black imlack in the south ot of the mesa sponsored by aaron and jim liar har vey a group of fifteen blanding sirls girls and boys went ito bluff saturday for for A swim and aad tj the alre turned tarried early sunday anday if the 2nd and was a red letter day for blanding people the events which oc cured are as ollowa follows denja mill had a birthday alton ly imin im in was burled vaughn roley holey and miss ethel dalton were vere married sir mr and sirs mrs ralf rait brown had a first child a girl arl and ithe son of 0 mr and sirs mrs cory perking broke his arm monday iSIon day july 0 mrs airs grace shum way wife ofA shumway Shun iway had a baby loy boy their seventh child lie he will likely tie be blessed the first sunday in august tile the other children en ot of tile the assistant deputy ot of the coun conn ty and wife are as follows dvar 11 13 shannon 10 shirley 8 dix le ie 6 and jolene 4 said imars shum way monday fonday night 1 I the child will do n lot better for himself it lie he is like his dad |