Show world news briefs the N Y herald tribune richard C du pout pont breaks gilder allder mark in IM mile flight isoard 5 tirs lira and 50 minutes from rom elmira to within sight ot of N Y city flight was war made in ft a new type sat sail plane manir factored in calf ly by the bowlus du pont sailplane co in which he is associated with mr bowlus bowing outs lag iw coast g sliding expert who ts is liest best known tor for the fact that lie introducer introduced colonel and mrs chas A landler to the thrills of flying alyin without an e en gine it Is called tile alaba Al AIa abt batross it and Is fg of the true sail plane type there are few records in sport one imagines so well worth having as that which air du rent pont has ci clai almett for tle the V U IS few which make one half of the appeal to the flag gina tion matle maile by own newsprint plant planned by br publishers southern group inspects mill that rises pulp from pine trees GRI garvan varr deplores dep dependence pen dence on foreign supply savannah ga ca after an inspect inspection ron of an ex et perl mental paper and pulp print plant a committee of 0 southern newspaper publishers jo lishers announced that it was prepared to take steps toward the erection of a mill to manufacture print from southern pine tre tress trees es JC stahlman predicted that within 24 months newsprint made from froin pines would lie supplying presses in all parts of the country the plant 1 in Sa nannah is that of dr glias herty harty who developer devel deve opeil lopel the process tor for con vertin the pine pulp into paper adapted to printing hitler inspects inspect ts krupp plant on ser ajeo rny day hinds of an all europe cen cena ter on new war just 20 years after ix x of last one terrorize austria Bart bou of france misses bomb ly by a few minutes belgium neutrality A move to guarantee neutrality in view of the increasing danker danger of war was reported in usually reliable relf alile diplomatic quarters france is 1 s prepared to fight eslit kas as with pas gas ant and has revised defenses a ainest against enemy assaults on whole cities toy liy disease gernis germs to invoke these new defenses military ati authora lis said they were not alarmed liy br charges lit in london that germany bid studied the rew rca y of f flooding the lonison an ac I 1 I 1 f subway liway systems with yas gas and gerics asi irs A new X N 4 aay oli device revealing the anatomy of if least sit substantial body organs orans and even the blood vessels in color hasteen has lieen been perfected fec teil 11 fec d by y luther Shii Si injian jian former ol 01 ir tr f 0 rite ie photographic depart departments trie tria vaie raie medical if edical tile device not only will show the structure e and ilen sity of barely opaann pans parts that appear on present day as dun drin shadowy forms but it re ally lessens existing ex astin hazards toabe to the subject heing moreover Mor erver br a system of telegraphic between hospitals it will le be possible for is patient to sit 1 I ro rf ill xray X ra ray e in covili one elfage alne le the image of hiso his natural organs is r for kp calbirt call cal lirt t in another clinta of nilles miles away president ent Roosevel ts pran plan f afir r a far flung educational campaignio campaign to sell the new peat deal to the co jontry by november lias has brot senator W 1 I isor ilor all to a decision to c zo to tle tile coul itry in si I 1 rone rona wolf opposition fon n convinced that the AAA Is national suicide adde 2nd and the NKA unc lincis ennit nl md M il monopoly tile will trall leading exponents of the new deal over the country to keep tile the record re cirl strai slit tons one null mill closes iowa in row 0 73 put out of jobs as harriman tenn plant quits when johnson denies eagie restoration is harrel charged with wreck of the firm arm code met with exception of ro re faisal to to bargain irain li with st hing work ers erg |