Show 4 1 11 2 P 6 1 11 2 4 1 4 4 i i i 4 i i 4 4 4 i 4 4 i 1 i F eggle EAGLE FILLING STATION AND aj FIBS SUPPLY DEPOT M M H M H christmas box candies mixed gand per ib ab MIXED delicacies DELACA CIES FLASH L ASH LIGHTS r fa mt 1 M t M M 44 mam 4 M 0 tit T J 4 qa the I 1 n e most successful program is that of saving h early and often state stale bank of sao san juan A aln y y f V NOTICE FOR PUBLIA publication TION department of the interior U S land office sal lake city utah december 6 1930 NOTICE is hereby given that sam vel uel W jarvis jarv I 1 s of monticello utah who on february 1 1926 made en barged homestead entry no for NEU see sec 8 sevi ewt section 33 south range 26 east salt lake meridian has filed notice of intention to make final proof to establish claim to the land above described before J W palmer united states commissioner at monticello utah on the day of january 1931 claimant names as witnesses virgil U eastin of naturita Na turita colorado ernest L young john W jarvis jacob R young all of mori ti cello utah first publication dec 11 last jan 8 0 FOR SALE OR TRADE one coap cow one riding pony one olds uton 14 ton truck jr II E blake jr monticello utah see roger blake for amer lc can in magazine and colliers weekly 0 FOR RENT cellar for winter storage inquire of 11 RL blake order older your winters coal at once front the monticello coal co care il record ecord office prices by the load delivered in town per ton single tons all coal sold at pit mouth out 11 at per ton tf dr W J rogers f DENTIST DOLORES COLO monticello LO CREAM SWIFT COMPANY buyers oi of CREAM EGGS POULTRY G S STUART manager did you yet see KINSEY the dixie decorator I 1 insist that my decorating meet the popular demand JD mand J W KINSEY blanding utah of all attractive homes pa 11 41 it 4 f r r swift me cash F for ox my aly produce 0 when I 1 take my butterfat butter fato tat eggs and poultry to the tha nearest swift company produce plant I 1 get the going market price for the best I 1 can deliver and im only one of the producers taking supplies to the 80 odd swift plants that will give you some idea of the huge quantities which swift company must buy each day in order to keep supplies oi of brook held field butter brookfield eggs and premium chickens moving along car routes and branch houses to every community in the country this nationwide nation notion wide distribution 0 makes a swift producer independent of local gluts or shortages imagine how efficient this organization must bo be in order to pay cash to tta its producers to give its its shareholders a return on their investment and by baths the way im one of those shareholders and 1 I 1 finally so go that it can expand and thrive on 4 a margin oi 61 less than 2 cents on each dollar 1 0 of sa bales 8 part of this organization of people who receive just wages are home folks of 0 ours they live right here build their homes with us patronize our local merchants pay taxes lik like you an and me you bet im gladly glad to be in abia fam family ly swift a company durango colo 41 HABIT IS 10 tim TIMES ES NAt NATURE tAtt FIRE never n er wait for you to get ready today to day is the ono one and anly timo a person needs insurance the man IN I 1 procrastinates today will not prepare tomor to mor moir row for the future I 1 abad ichu live no life today to day today to day is yours there is no T to worrow every policy holder is a booster boo atar all LIFE 1111 kinds of insurance write me D L bayles blanding ah H H 4 4 4 1 44 41 4 1 4 la 4 2444 H M H 0 monticello FLOUR MILL now in steady operation during the fall months CUSTOM GRINDING DONE flour bran germade chops ORDERS PROMPTLY filled GEO A ADAMS CO monticello FOR A MANS GIFT wiliams holidy package sp LOG each FOR A LADYS GIFT silk hosl hos host 1 l 55 per pair 3 pair in a sox box per box this is one of the best hose on the market A new shipment just in in all the latest colors X MAS MIXED MIX E D NUTS 1 lb ib 3 lbs ibs r CHRISTMAS MIXED CANDIES 1 ib ab 4 3 ibs P P C the kind that pops 2 lbs ibs ic ty wit 11 ff I 1 ar e montecillo MONTI monticello CiLLO UTAH f AAA A q 4 MERRY K say ray it with diffrient eifes gift sand and greeting gre etine cards call and say how you QU like it anyway A box of amis cards caida free ditl each fiobo 1000 tise we havo have mens I 1 ties g gloves loves socks house slipper sl ippei ladies lad lea bouse slippers cis table runners lun ners tapestry and electric fixtures RADIOS FROM to send your xmas greetings on a radio record reco rdby by mail we make them for each music and gift shop ft bl blanding anding H M l i M mi i ij kt i K 24 wu 0 o |