Show PERSONAL COMMENT ON CURRENT TOPICS numerous inquiries havi have been re cind of late asking for information about lands and conditions for settle met in san gan juan county it appears that the tide of migration which set toward the cities several years ago has again turned toward the country A back to the soil movement may be ba expected during the next few years that will clipse anything seen in the past it I 1 is to be hoped that congress will have the foresight foie sight to pass the colton odie public land road bill at this session besides giving an opportunity for the absorption of an immense amount of the present unemployment the passage of this bill would speed the development of the country as nothing else would perhaps the casern states that have a surplus of mil idle e people will make an ellort to help put it through in order to shunt some of them off onto us the hard times in the cities are causing those who lured by the chimera of big wages a few years hack back left the farms for the bright lights of the cities to again cast their eyes toward the no matter how hid cond iiona ar on the farm those who have been farmers know that they can at least be sure of their bread and butter there while in the cities when they are out of a job they cn starve without the passer by even looking at them with a sympathetic glance the 4 11 boys and girls club work which is being carried on throughout the c country 0 is one of the finest movements movement s to give incentive to the youngsters to do something outstanding and prof profitable bitable that was ever conceived in furtherance fui fur therace of this the international hai Hay vetter company is giving givin gote one hun but rad kho larsh s each c to members I 1 io of ii 4 if H lubs alws ii shing the most these scholarships will be good in any agricultural college ln in the united states now lets get the boys and girls of san juan interested in the work bic the tini time a for r the sitting of another state legislature is close at hand with it will come the usual multiplicity of freak propositions for enactment into law the count rys jails and penal I 1 i institutions ii are overflowing with law aw breaker now on account of our multiplicity of technical laws for which the majority of the citizens have no respect or sympathy we should cau tion our legislators to be very careful about committing themselves to any legislation that is not essential to the well being of the state always work ing to the end that the greatest good to the greatest number alone should be the first consideration only coun cing any kind of class legislation when it is designed to protect the interests of the masses there is a contro controversy on as to whether or not the government should establish the scale of wages to be paid for labor on the boulder dam or whether the matter should be left for settlement between the workers and afe contractors the contractors of course using the extra demand for employment to cut prices of labor and thus thug make inace cheaper bids on the work to our minds mind the present time is the time to keep wages up as every thing afat rat causes more money to be circulated circuited will help to speed better times then it if the government will let tile the inin wage scale the bidders on the work will know exactly where they stand and it will help them to make bids with more assurance of being correct in their estimates |