Show Z I 1 avei Eve iii r fairytale Fairy alry tale yary GRAHAM BOWA THE ANGORA GOATS the angora goats in their yard in tho the zoo were bleating like sheep and t the h e children thought they were ware lovely alp 1 oh how id love to have one sold said a little girl named teeny now the goat was wag trying to tell teeny that his name wax wag billy a very usual name for a goat but still a very nice and sensible name ile he was also trying to ask her to admire his beautiful horns home and his long goatee ne he bleated bleared and stroked the th goat held his front feet up on a rock teeny who was visiting the zoo with her grandfather now put her fingers through the bars of the little yard and gently stroked the long fur of the goat font she was told she must only do this when the keeper said it was perfectly safe the keeper knew which animals to pet oh how id love to have him she said again perhaps you can said her grandfather 1 I do believe I 1 know of a little girt girl who Is going to have a birthday soon rave have you any idea of the little girl I 1 meant mean I 1 wonder if 1 you know who I 1 mean oh I 1 am to have a birthday soon said teeny 11 were you thinking of me grandfather now maybe so said her grand grandfather fit and then from the twinkle in his eyes she knew that all arong along he had been think thinking ilig of her and her birthday would you like to have the goat better than anything else asked her grandfather oil oh indeed I 1 would said teeny 1 I could take it back to the farm and I 1 could have a little wagon to ride in oh ob it would be such fun to have a 9 goat D at for a pet her eyes danced with the thought of the rides she would have wIt witcher with lither her pet goat as a horse teeny lived out in the country and she had just the sort of a place where a goat would be hoppy happy there was plenty of room tor for it now wo we must see about buying a goat said her grandfather 1 I believe this one Is your favorite ile he pointed to the one who had seemed to be taking most especially to the child teeny the keeper said that the goat was wag is tour four years old and that he be was full grown ne he thought h he would be a splendid pete pet tor for he had been so BO used to playing with the children who had come to visit him IQ in the zoo the arrangements r were all made and several days later when teeny was back home on the farm the gont goat arrived loved to take right on her birth her for p rides ploeg day oh ft what hat joy I 1 what friends they she had a t little cart too and the goat loved to take her tor for rides the goat was very tame and he had token taken to teeny from the start lie ile was as happy as could be and teeny was so eo proud because people hardly ever spoke of her without out adding and her pet goat |