Show FIGURES SHOW TIMBER RESOURCES OF FOREST the following figures represent sent the estimated stand yield and acreage of timber by species on the la sal forest showing the area of national forest land and the area of timber land in grand and san juan counties utah and mesa and montrose counties colorado grand county has 3 acres of national forest land and acres of timberland western yellow pine over 12 inches in diameter feet engelmann spruce other conifers aspen cords pinon and juniper cords expected annual field western yellow pine feet engelmann Engeln iann feet other conifers san juan county has acres af pf af national forest land and acres of timberland western yellow pine feet douglas fir feet engelmann spruce feet other conifers feet 1 aspen cords pinon and juniper cords annual expected yield western below pine feet douglas fir feet Eng engleman leinan spruce feet other conifers feet mesa county has acres acred of national forest land and acres tim alm larland western yellow pine 1314 feet aspen cords I 1 pinon and juniper cords annual ex petted yield western yellow pine feet montrose county has acres of national national forest land and acres of timberland western yellow pine feet aspen cords pinon and juniper cords annual expected yield western yellow pine beef fee aill figures represent species over 12 inches in diameter except c cords |