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Show Former Cubs Ring Bells, Gain Advances Yearbook editor of 1932-33, Hugh Marvin bird, has received advancement to first lieutenant in the engineer corps of the army. He is now stationed at the Presidio of San Francisco. In 1940 he entered the Utah na- 4 tional guard and was sent to Camp j San Luis Obispo, California, where he served as technical ser.geant un- j til May, 1941, when he was sent to Fort Belvoir, Virginia for photo- j graph and map reproduction train- j ing. j Wedding bells will ring for Rosa- mond Lindquist and Wallv Cooner T on November 28. Rosamond is a graduate of last year. Wally is a graduate of 1941. He was a member of the "A" football and "A" basketball teams, and also served as S A M president during the year of 1940-41. Gloria James was married Thursday evening to James William Wil-liam "Bud" Broadwater. The ceremony cere-mony was conducted at the Lion House. Both aref ormer students at South. Gloria graduated with the class of '42. Dick Lawrence, a graduate of I 1942 and a former member of the baseball team will leave shortly for Walla Walla, Washington. There he will take up the profession of an instrument reader in a defense plant. The Lashley sisters, Mary and Claudine, are now at the Salt Lake General Hospital in nurses training. train-ing. Peggy Newell is also doing her nurses training there. Ralph Beyer, class of '42 now leads a swing orchestra of his own. He was first lieutenant In the R. O. T. C. last year, and among other things plays the harmonica. |