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Show DOINGS IN BRYAN WARD Rv lypone B. Pass Last week it was announced j that I'liilo Hciiriksen was the new Sunday School superintendent superintend-ent of the Bryan Ward. He has since been given an engineering position which take; him out of the state. In his place as superintendent super-intendent will be Alan T,nyton; Roland T. Naylor, first counselor; counsel-or; Eddie Eva, second counselor; and Elsa Stoof, secretary. New Relief Society officers are Elva Davis, president; June Griffith, firsf counselor; Sola Kimball, second counselor; and Edith Casper, secretary. The Y. W. M. I. A.'s new officers of-ficers are, president, lOelia An- O. derson; activity counselor, Marie Burnett; manual counselor, Ara Richards; and secretary, LaVon Clark. A most pleasant vacation by automobile was held by Mr. and Mrs. Auburn Chipman, 125G Kensington Ave., and Mr. and Mrs. AVillard Smith and two children, 1248 Kensington Ave. They visiterl Bryce and Zion and Sequoia and Yoemite National Park in California. Mr. and Mrs. Harry K. Pollei, and children, Richard, Rail, Bonnie and Jon, had a lovely vacation visiting Mrs. Pollei's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alma C. Iiambert, at St. George. On the way back they took in Zion's and Bryce National Parks. Mrs. Pollei, with son, Jon, and her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Q. Cannon Lambert and son, Ray and Robert, 2204 Fisher Lane, visited their sisters at Lewis-ton, Lewis-ton, Utah, Mr. and Mrs. Dow Lewis, and Mr. and Mrs. F. Edis Taggart. Another nice trip was had by Mrs. Pollei, with her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Lambert, 2204 Fisher Lane, to see their sister, Mr. and Mrs. J. Arvil Bird at Springville, Utah. A wonderful time was had by Mr. and Mrs. Leslie A. Fletcher, daughter, Rosanne, Leslie's mother, Mrs. Hulda Fletcher, who live at 1152 Bryan Ave., and his aunt, Mrs. Emma Ja-cobson, Ja-cobson, at 922 Blaine Ave., as they motored from place to place sightseeing and visiting. The mother's brother was visited vis-ited at Los Angeles, Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Peterson; at Glen-dale Glen-dale there were friends, Mr. and Mrs. Lorin Hansen; en to San Mateo to see Mr. and Mrs. George Sims (the mother's sister); sis-ter); next, to Pittsburgh, visiting visit-ing Mr. and Mrs. James Camp-, bell (Elva's sister) and Mr. and Mrs. Neldon Cottle (Elva's brother). On the spur of the moment Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Rees took I off for a refreshing trip to Hol-brook, Hol-brook, Ariz., where Mrs. Rees has relatives. |