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Show i CHLORAL beauty comes to pillow i " slips in the four exciting motifs on transfer No. Z9135. Velvety pansies, conventional flowers for cutwork or applique, a band of cross stitch broken to form a gay design, and baskets of posies give hand-embroidered loveliness to that household necessity the pil- i low slip. Your own linen closet or th.it uf a friend will benelit immeasurably ii si.p.i embroidered em-broidered in these mo:,fs : :!fied Transfer No. Z91H5 is 15 cents. Send your order to: AUNT MARTHA Box 166-W Kansas City. .Mo. Enclose 15 cents for each pattern desired. Pattern No Name r-. Address A Cheerful Person In this world where there is so much sorrow, and so much unnecessary un-necessary grief, of fret and worry, . . how grateful ought wc to be that God sends along, here and there, a natural heart-singer, who, by his very carriage and spontaneous actions, calms, cheers, and helps his fellows. God bless the good-natured, good-natured, for they bless everybody else! . You pay less for Clabber Girl ; but you use no more . . Add to this Clabber Girl's half century record of perfect baking results i and you will see why millions of ; proud homemakers use Clabber ': Girl, exclusively. I Order a can of Clabber Girl ' from your grocer today. You will be amazed when he tells you ; the price. You will be delighted ', with your baking results. ffou Pay .ESS... jut use slO MORE r0v In SALT LAKE CITY THE 'I- . . . y M j Choice of the DiscrimmatingTrareler : inyr;:;; 400 rooms 400 baths 5 ; "' -L i Rates: $2.00 to $4.00 ; Our $200,000.00 remodeling and refurnishing program has ' made available the finest hotel accommodationa in the West AT OUR SAME POPULAR PRICES. ; j DINING ROOM . BUFFET D,NE ' DANCE i J The Beautiful MRS. J. H. WATERS, President Z j m MIRROR ROOM : J. HOLM AN WATERS and W. ROSS SUTTON EVERY SATURDAY EVENING |