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Show Third Presbyterian Church WE WISH YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY HAP-PY NEW YEAR. The first Christmas in Bethlehem long ago came on just such a dark time as is ours, yet the gift of God came to the hearts prepared and ready, and the Christ Child to a world hungry for the peace and joy of the heavens above. The Annual Christmas program will be held at the church, 17th South and 11th East, on the evening even-ing of December 22, Monday. A lovely pageant entitled "Come Ye even unto Bethlehem" will be presented pres-ented by the young people. There will be the singing of carols, ac-compained ac-compained by the young people's orchestra. While gifts for those more needy than we will be laid under the Chrimas tree. There is a cordial welcome to all who wish to come. On Sunday morning, December 21 there will be a' Christmas sermon ser-mon "The wonder of His Coming" and there will be special music by the choir. The offering of this morning will go to the Foreign Missons work of the church. Good things are scheduled also for the Sunday School hour at 9:45 a. m. The Senior Christian Endeavorers have been selling candles and are planning to sing carols on Christmas Christ-mas eve at the homes of the purchasers. pur-chasers. Would you not like these young jeople to sing at your door? With all loyal citizens and organizations organ-izations this church pledges its every effort and its fullest allegiance alleg-iance to the flag of our country in this time of crisis. We are fully aware also of our especially important im-portant task of building a world in which truth, honor, righteousness, righteous-ness, love of men as the children of God, and obedience to His holy will, will make possible a better tomorrow. |