Show LOCALS ray E dallman spent thanks thanksgiving giving with his parents in vernal wm win chas carter jr L T H allan were over from vernal friday the trip was made in mr carters car on thanksgiving miss edna shurtleff celebrated her birthday by entertaining a few of her girl friends to a six dinner henry harris and wife of fort duchesne were among the roosevelt visitors friday mr harris called at the standard office and dumped a couple of bucks into our barrel mr and mrs A johnson entertained at a dinner thanksgiving those present were mr r and mrs A birch mr and mrs ed F harmston and mr mi and mrs is chas shurtleff A 0 clock dinner was held at the home of mr and mrs W A miles thursday the guests were mr and mrs edwards mrs fred freda j notter motter and prof beagley mr and mrs burgess and family mr and mrs herbert isham entertained at a dinner on thanksgiving misses kisses helen and elsa kramer miss bessie angus kisr virginia bean miss may beers dr J JW W browning and rae ashton |