Show appointees WORRY OZIP O ZIP r nominees of president have to run gauntlet 4 wilson having more mere trouble in this respect than any aay of his recent predecessors causes many for this condition washington D C president witson la is having more trouble over his appointees to office than any ot of his recent predecessors in spite of the personal care he be exercises in choosing men for high positions the d disposition slug sing even among the democrats in congress to 11 look askance at a now new nominee tat f office has come to be a habit thare are several causes underlying this attitude of congress they may be summed up as follows 1 several ot of the old line democrats have always believed that the senate should exercise its constitutional prerogative of 0 advising the president on nominations as well as consenting sen ting to them 2 many of the democrats young aad old have declaimed so fiercely under republican administrations against dig business that they cannot con intently vote for a man from thais that field of action tor for any office 3 some senators have a perma tent ent suspicion against an any man nominated tor for office or at the suggestion of 0 some ot of the cabinet officers 4 iny any man who has written a book ma newspaper article must submit to a critical review of 0 his works before passing muster tor for of office ace 5 the republicans in general recalling the tact fact that the democrats in the senate held up president tafts nominations through an entire session of congress to save the places tor for themselves and in many instances having concrete objections to some of the nominees are ready to help out any democrat who wishes to make trouble over any of president wll wil sons bons nominations there seems to be no limit these days to the investigating activities of the congressional committees it if a man has the temerity to accept from the president an offer of 0 a public office he may as well prepare at once to come to washington it the office la Is big enough and lay bare his whole life to some sort of congressional investigating vesti gating body some members do not hesitate to say that congress Is rapidly degenerating into a society of gossips they believe that the limits of 0 decency have been overstepped over stepped in some cases and that the quickest and best way to drive men ot of capacity and ability out of 0 public office is to force them to submit to the inquisitorial preliminary which now has become a sito bi iq q q a pare mere favorable report tor for a nomination on the other side are many eminent senators who assert that there Is ample justification at this time for a careful scrutiny not only of 0 nominations tor for office but ot of legislation as well they point out that congress Is amending so many ot of the important fundamental ini laws of the land that it becomes congress to see that the administration of 0 these laws Is ed to men of 0 proper qualifications who will not play politics or serve special interests in part at least the senators are not wholly responsible for or the situation anybody who Is intimate enough with them to see their corre spon dence from home will find out that the knockers are not all dead yet it la Is to be noted that the american voters who take the trouble to air their views to their congressmen are not only becoming more numerous but more cocksure ot of the finality ot of their own opinions senators and representatives who are to be candidates at the coming elections have to face this hounding and it Is in this sort ot of atmosphere trough rough tj which the nominations nomina tlona tiona and legislative suggestions ot of president wilson have to pass |