Show Meteorites found in Basin Meteorites come to the earth from outer space genuine travelers that can be found and They are of stone or metal plunge into the earth's Friction of the causes them to md they arc seen as or The heat bums many to ut others reach the earth Of the seven meteorites that been found in three were discovered in the UINTAH and a Utah State University geologist thinks the Basin is one of the best areas f the state to find With this in Clyde T. associate professor geology at Utah State has supplied copies of interesting book on meteor-tes to the libraries of Uintah Basin high Hardy points out that an information shoot on meteor- sent out to schools of Utah by the geology department some years ago led to v of one of the UINTAH BASIN One reason that the UINTAH BASIN promises to be a good place to find meteorites is that those that have fallen In past centuries are near the surface of the ground and not under many feet of Lake Bonneville as is the case in many other parts of Utah At the same time the area is well enough populated to increase the likelihood of meteorites being the geologist points In the hope of making residents of the Basin more aware of Hardy has presented copies of a book on to libraries at Duchesne and Altamont High The book is by famous expert on Dr Lincoln LaPaz of the Institute of in New and his Jean In the book is a statement a-bout the three UINTAH BASIN and a request that anyone finding what he thinks is a meteorite inform the department of geology at a-bout The three Uintah Basin meteorites are the found In the found in and the found in The Ioka meteorite was recovered in 1956 as a result of an information sheet on meteorites being sent to the schools in Utah Miss Geniel then attending Roosevelt Elementary reported a specimen thought to be a meteorite to Hardy at Utah State University Dr Hardy later identified the specimen as a stone meteorite at the school The Rus-sel H. gave the specimen to Hardy for It is now being examined in great detail by scientists of the U. S Geological Survey in D. C. The Ioka meteorite was found at Ioka in 1931 when struck by a plow Later it was discarded In Miss Gloria daughter of the took it to Roosevelt Elementary and her Miss reported the find by The Ioka meteorite is a stony meteorite with only a few nodules of metallic iron Its weight is 69 The fresh fusion produced by melting as heated in flight through the suggests a recent date of Hardy points The late Leonard J Coleman of Heber City found the Duchesne meteorite in 1906 near the elbow in Red He had seen a fireball in 1896 and had begun looking for a meteorite thinks that the that Coleman found and that is called the Duchesne meteorite is not the one that produced the fireball Mr Coleman had seen 10 years Lloyd Stewart of Jensen found the Altonah meteorite quite by accident Timbering near Moon he hurt his Because of the injury he did not accompany his companions on an evening fishing trip Instead he sat near camp pounding some rocks within easy reach with a hammer One of the rang and the hammer bounced off sharply The turned out to be the meteorite now called the Specimens of the Altonah and Duchesne meteorites are now preserved in the U S. National B division of the Smithsonian in D. C. Largest Utah meteorite Is the 61 Drum Mountain meteorite found west of Delta in Smallest is the most a quarter-pound specimen that was seen to fall near and recovered in |