Show TABIONA Hold memorial service for Joseph Smith by Florence The first annual Joseph Smith memorial service was held Thursday night at the Tabiona Ward Chapel by the faculty and students of the Tabiona Seminary with Ralph D. Prelude music was played by a girls chorus under the direction of Donna Wadley with Carolyn Giles accompanist Angel from on and Thank Thee Oh God For a Invocation by President Elmer Moon of the Duchesne Benediction by Danny A memorial Reading written by J. Karl Wood about the Joseph Smith was narrated by Donna Walker of Vernal Seminary Introduced President William E. administrator of Seminaries and Institutes of who talked on Smith and the of He is vice president of Church School system and vice president of Young He became vice president in July He has a degree from the University of Utah and an from the University of and has study at BYU and U of U. He gave a most wonderful sermon about the Joseph Smith and what he means to The closeness of the prophet and Jesus along with their birthdays being close It was Jesus who gave Joseph all the because of the prophet we know more a-bout A book containing the history of the 10 greatest men were about religion leaders except a very It stated no prophet ever lived challenged the nation He gave in detail five qualities the prophet they the great a great Student of His Great The Power he possessed and The Love of There are over 1800 books written denouncing Joseph Smith a false A Russian leader was asked among all Americans is the He said Joseph Smith was the only American who had ideas if followed would change the- American He taught Seminary in 1925 in At that time there was no very little many houses with dirt Thelma Nye was a student of Ills at that time and remembered him very She was also in an operetta with Other out-of-town people who were at the services were president and Walker of and and and Kitchen all of Larry Adams and Ardean Bench of of Dick Morley of and Elmer and Lloyd and Arthur Timothy and Jensen of CHRISTMAS PARTY The DUP held their Christmas party Monday night at the home of Stella Twila Rhoades presented the lesson entitled Epistle from the Council of the 12 Apostles which was a beautiful Christmas Jo-lene Giles read a bulletin from president Kate B. Those present were Evelyn Elma Jolene Thelma Minnie Clara Judy Alphield Grace Martha Florence Karron Deon Rhoades and Hostess were Stella Carol Twila Rhoades and Karron A delicious chicken supper was enjoyed by the After the gifts were Many beautiful gifts were drawn for each Next DUP will be at Grace 2nd Monday in Speakers in Sacrament meeting were Jean Fabrizio of Hanna who talked on training Judy gave an Interesting talk about Rella Le played a piano Johnnie Nielson of Hanna talked on the life of Joseph Webb talked on the Dale was sustained as General secretary for those over 21 in the priesthood and Webb as secretary for those BIRTHDAY Sherilyn Humes celebrated her Birthday Ina Van Tassell made a beautiful pink and white cake with a doll in the Friends who came were Terry Helen Rickey Parley Kim Lorna Leslie Jessup Van Sheila Fred Randy Joyce Lou Ann Clark and Kathy also Grandma Little Mace 4 year old son of and Prentiss Gleave will receive an artificial arm this He lost his arm in a tractor accident in the He entered the hospital and will stay there around a Steven Humes celebrated his birthday last Saturday at his Ten friends were present to help him His Grandma Jones was also Games were played and refreshments Orpha Michle returned home last week after 3 days at the She is feeling much Ted will enter the Cot Hospital Tuesday for Carl who is going to Logan college will return home to take care of the and Arvel Rhoades and and Joseph Rhoades went to Ada Rhoades was taken to her doctor as she is and Fae Lefler and family from Clearfield returned to Tabiona last week after living away for a year or The community welcomes them back home Claudia Van Tassell is feeling better after her She spent a week at the Chappels In Springville Ray son of and Lamar Lazenby left for the Armed Forces He was sent to Minnie Hamilton word her son Colin Hamilton has a 10 day furlough for She will go to Friday to get her son who was at San Diego and bring him to Colin has been in the Armed Forces for 3 years and has travelled all over the Those who went to Christmas shopping this week was and Clarence and Ralph Alphield Lucy Elaine Joan Ivie and and Ted Charles Dearing and family from a sister of Linda Carters and a brother A. E. and her mother Ella Newell from Orem were visitors at and Carters last Newell and Amber Carter of were also the and Bengt Dal-strum and family and and Glen Mills and f amity of were visitors at and Jack Youngs last and Basil and family of and Fred Evans of Provo were visitors at and Elvin Lewis last and Andrew spent a day at visiting and consulting a and Smith of were visiting and Earl Van Tassell Justice of the Ralph Smith of Tabiona went to Traffic Safety conference a on Traffic problems were One of new bills will go to the legislature will be anyone who driving any tractor or machinery on the highway must have r drivers and Frank Clarl and Jessie Maxwell enjoy ed the day at the SL Fred is from an operation week at He is stay In with his daughter and The Tabiona Elementary stu will practice their Christmas play Thursday at in the Tab ona This will be direction of Miss Clarr Edna Smith aruT Alma All students ake part in the The Tabiona Tigers will r off their new white vellow suits at the game Saturday night when they are hosts to Captains fc Varsity Team and Doyle Junior varsity are Rhoades and Boyd TWO-CAR ACCIDENT INJURES COUPLE A head-on Car accident and Doyle Tuesday and Mrs Ray and Lee Giles of Hanna and Jimmie Rhoades who was with the Giles boy were The Hacketts were seriously and were rushed to the Hebor Hospital by Doyle who was first to the scene of the accident They received bad cuts and Hackett will have to stay in the hospital for another It is expected and Hackett will be released this Lee and Jimmie Rhoades was taken to the doctor and A change in the address of Elder has moved It is J. F. Buenos Aires |