Show MEOLA- Party honors husbands of Primary workers by Zola Spencer On Wednesday evening the Neola Ward Primary officers and teachers met aJ the Ward Chapel and honored their husbands to a supper after which a program was Dye told of how we can get the most joy out of Deatha Norma Crozier and Irene told of the 1st Christmas they could Ferris Henrie played sa harmonica Ruth Jensen gave a and Christmas songs were sung by the On Thursday the Progressive Club members met at the home of Florence and held their annual Christmas The ladies exchanged Christmas gifts and elected new officers for the coming and Sheldon J. Spencer and tiny Shawn of spent the weekend of December 6 and 7 at the home of his the Dellis On Sunday the Spencers all traveled to K earns and the Dellis Spencers spent the evening with their son and Then on Monday they at tended the funeral services in Payson for an Lee Others attending were and Ivan and Lester and Wilford and Orr Gardner and son DUP HAS MEETING The Daughters of Utah Pioneers held their meeting at the home of Lois Bastian presented the Christmas boxes for shut-ins were prepared to be The annual Christmas party will be held at the home of Emma at a later YOUNG MEET The Young Class was held at the home of Hattie Jensen on TonI Gardner presented the lesson and Morjorie Gardner gave a short story on Mavie a recent returned missionary told the story how they celebrated Christmas in After which light refreshments were and Lester Gardner just returned from where they had a two and attended a session in the Los Angeles Temple when their Virginia and husband Corwin Labrum and family of three children had their temple marriage and The Union High School class held a roller skating party at the Neola Skating rink last Thursday Eva Dye honored her son Kendall on his birthday when a group of children met at her They had fun sleigh and refreshments were Sacrament Services were held Sunday Mavie Dye and her the Deloss Dyes were the Their and Kendell played an accordian Invocation and benediction were by Grover Dye and Lawrence On Saturday the Neola Bridge Club met at the Frontier Grill where the members honored their husbands at a banquet On Wednesday Delma Bastian and Helen Larsen went to Vernal in the evening where they presented a skit at the 3rd Ward Chapel for a ladies get-together honoring Barcy |