Show Christmas Means Fir to Most Traditional for the fir is the tree most people think of when they sing Christmas O Christmas how lovely are thy Although there are close to 40 species of firs found in Central and Southern Asia north to the and North the holiday favorite the Douglas fir is not even a true Originally named false hemlock with yew-like the Douglas fir is neither a spruce nor But it does have some of the characteristics of all four and its identity confused botanists for The fir's upturned growth and ability to hold its needles when cut have put it in the top spot for Christmas use It also produces top-quality The state of Montana is an important source of Douglas Next popular Christmas tree s the balsam Also called Canada balsam or Balm of according to The Encyclopedia balsam grows from Newfoundland to west to Iowa and north and west deep into Balsam retains needles well and gives off a pleasing It is especially well-liked in the Eastern United Included among the many other Christmas choices are the Eastern red black spruce and Scotch Canadian Christmas from seven are part of the holiday scene in many The United accounts for about 90 per cent of Canada's annual production of Still others are shipped from Ethiopia to |