Show The Story of The words of this beautiful carol were over a hundred years In the of It happened on the night before Christmas The parish Father Josef was Tho old organ in the little church was ne thought of tho Christmas Eve If only there could be some special home from a to a Father Mohr found himself on the heights overlooking the little where a few lights glimmered in the silent So It must been In Bethlehem on that when Christ was Silent I holy Words came to He hastened home and put them Tho next day he showed them to his Franz As ho read the Franz felt the beauty of that first holy He began to and who listened knew tho song would be There was no organ music In the church on Christmas as Father Mohr with Franz G ruber accompanying him on the the congregation listened in wonder to tho first of a song that was to bo a Christmas gift to all tho world TREE Important part of the holiday season in California is the famous ceremony of Tree at Huge deodar cedars border a in this and at Christmas it s transformed into Tree The trees are lit with thousands of turned on at dusk on Christmas and motorists celebrate the spectacle by driving slowly along the The graceful deodars were brought to California by Captain Frederick J. Woodbury while visiting in India saw them growing on the slopes of the He with deodar which he planted on his In 1885 his sons transplanted the young trees along what was then the principal roadway to the Woodbury IN DENMARK A Danish Christmas custom is the a long pole with a goat's whose duty it is to butt in when the children |