Show Boy Scouts Present Sunday Program The Scout Sunday celebration of Ballard Ward was held in the chapel Sunday with Zane Asay in The colors were posted and retired by a group of Opening song was Say Can You Invocation was given by Jerry a Guide Talks were given by a cub Wade a den Wilmar a boy Elvin In Our Marvin Explorer Don The principle talk was given by Rulon It was entitled In Church and For God and My After the closing song and the colors were retired the benediction was given by John a cub A large crowd was in attendance and enjoyed the evening's Ole who has been recuperating from a recent has recovered sufficiently to be able to resume his work at the stock yards in HARRIET ARNOLD DIES Harriet Arnold died at her home in Gusher She was past 83 years old and was the mother of Kay and William Arnold of She was also a member of our Clyde Bartlett of Tridell was a caller at the home of and Raymond Eldredge Jesse had the misfortune to have his car run into and damaged quite badly one night last GUIDE PATROL ATTENDS ROOSEVELT DINNER The guide with their joined with two of the wards in Roosevelt one evening last week for a Fathers' and Sons' Those enjoying the evening were Ned and son Earl Winn and son William Scott and son Max and Manfred Rulon Skinner was guest For refreshments they enjoyed cherry pie and John Perryman of Denver and Rulon Ashby of Salt Lake and Earl McKenna and small son of Provo spent last at the home of and Russel Todd and with relatives in Cyde Collins who enrolled at the Business College in Salt Lake City spent last weekend with home Miss Kay Dean who is employed In Salt Lake and Dennis Morgan spent last weekend with Miss Arnold's and Kay They attended Sunday School in of Vernal assisted by school Alta and Frank Walker were the Todd school giving the children shots for Quite a number of pre-school children were there and Russel Todd and George Bracken attended the funeral services of a Le Roy held at Jensen Reese Anderson and Glen Old-royd of Vernal were at the Todd School one dav last Celia Jay Karl Patsy Kenneth and Col-len Squire and Theo Anderson were the students at Union from Ballard who were on the honor roll for this and Ole were in Vernal one day last week on Millie Hatch and Gladys Labrum attended the Food Service meeting in Roosevelt last state of hot visited in the school kitchen at the Todd school last This past week has been National Boy Scout and many of the boys have worn their scout uniforms to and Karl and two girls visited at the home of and Mont Poulson at Duchesne last Sunday William Jenkins was called home from the mine where he was because of the sudden death of his Mary of Bennett at her home last and Leonard Betts of Salt Lake City are the of a baby boy just The grandparents are and Clarence |