Show Delegation Seeks Game Post For Realizing that the time is when Governor George Clyde will announce appointments to various commissions on capitol local wildlife enthusiasts are rallying their forces lo get a local 1 man appointed lo the Fish and Game At an early meeting in January the Roosevelt Fish and Game Club voted to support Paul G. and have sent letters and petitions to the governor in his According to Bill president of the Fish and Game two names were presented to the George Miller and A motion was made and passed that the man receiving the majority of votes would get their was their It is understood that a delegation from various parts of the Basin have an appointment with Clyde for tomorrow morning to advance the candidacy of Both men have received clearance from the Duchesne Co Republican Petitions ing have been circulated throughout Duchesne and Uintah and will be presented to the governor at 10 a.m. It is the general hope of all people in this area that all concerned can get together and support a candidate for the commission post that is presently held by Jack an appointee of former Governor Since Turner was a staunch supporter of Lee during the last it is the belief that he hasn't a chance for reappointment by r 1 i j TRANSFERRED Announcement has been made this week by Safeway that j assistant manager in the Roosevelt has been to Fritz Hanson will replace Myrlin in the local |