Show Funeral Services Held For Harriet L. Arnold GUSHER Funeral services were held at the Ballard ward Tuesday at 12 noon for Harriet who passed away Friday S at the Roosevelt hospital after a short Bishop Leslie Bear-dall pf the Ballard ward gave a few remarks and read a beautiful poem in tribute to Speakers were W. Russel Todd and B. O. Songs were a vocal The by Ruth accompanied by by Norma Denver and My Head Beneath A by Car-win accompanied by An accordian was played by a Beverly Prelude music was played by Norma The Relief Society ladies had charge of the Opening prayer was by Harry the benediction by Wilson C. Gutzman and the grave was dedicated by Pall bearers were grandsons of Arthur and Larry Burial was in the Roosevelt under direction of the after which the Relief Society ladies served plate lunches to the larg plate lunches to the large crowd of relatives and friends in the Ballard ward Harriet Ainge Arnold was born at Spanish Fork to George and Polly McKee She came to Jensen with her parents when a young She married Joseph 1891 in Jensen where they lived the first 20 years of their j From there they moved to where they lived several years after which they moved to Gusher and resided the remainder of her life with exception of a few months in Salem with her Manford and family a year She was a member of the Her husband passed at their home in March A grown and 3 young Harriet and Delpha and preceded them in Arnold is survived by 4 George of William and John of and Man-ford of 27 grandchildren and 22 great three brothers and four Wilma Charles Nile Ainge all of Alfred Salt Christella and Ruby |