Show Ethel Beebe Bonnie Jessen Has Birthday Party 1 Lee Jessen and Minnie Lue Stevenson were hostesses at a party 9 in honor of their daughter and It was y her eleventh birthday Games were played and a lovely lunch was Helen Allred r and Dug Jessen won the prizes for the A fancy hat was given to each one Those present were Bonnie hon-ored Helen Joan and Cherri Phyllis and Dor- line Lee and Scott Con- nie and Debbie Maxie Stevenson Pam and Jack Allred made a trip to 12 to attend the funeral of an infant son of and Jim The baby died 6 or 8 hours after Others from area attending the funeral were and Earl Thacker of and Elvin and Max Farnsworth of Neola and and Wesley Thack- er of and Carl J. of Ogden were guests of her and Gilbert over the and Melvin Bird and son of Salt Lake City and Linford who Is employed in Salt Lake spent the weekend with Linford Maxfield and BREAKS ARM Danny son of and Earl broke his arm when playing ball at school in Mr and Rex Clark and daughter of Salt Lake City spent the weekend with Rex's Vendetta She returned home with them Sunday for a visit in the Colin Nielson and children of Vernal spen Sunday with her and Dru Allred and Glen Burgess of Orem were in Altonah 12 visiting and Oliver den and and Clinton OFFICERS MEET The Altonah Ward Preparation meeting was held 13 at the home of Norma The lesson was given by Lawana Timothy on Teaching after which a lunch was and Darrell Goodrich and Miss Alta Ames of Salt-Lake City visited recently with their and Clenty They were accompanied by I Miss Peggy Goodrich and Cliff students of the They enjoyed the basketball game at Altamont Friday then went on to Tridell to visit relatives returning to their homes Robert Burson entered the hos- pital in Roosevelt 12 where he was operated on for double Last reports are that he was getting along as good as could be We wish him a PRIMARY HAS PARTY officers and eachers gave a Valentine party for the boys and girls in M. The afternoon was spent in playing and refreshments were f HOLDS DEMONSTRATION Home Demonstration agent Miss Mabel Merrell of Duchesne met a group of ladies at the home of Francis She gave a demonstration on tasty ways of fixing Jello and carmel pudding and other Pamphlets were given to each one present including Verna Twila I Inez Norma Jessen and Nada Miss Merrell Will hold a meeting once a month at different homes and everyone interested in Home Improvement is urged to Rhea H. Gardner will be present in March on her tour of Jessen was hostess at a delicious supper in honor of her husbands birthday 15 at their Guests present were Mr E. A. Lee and Dewey and Dallas and Dean Reay and Minnie Luc Cali tested T V during the WORK MEETING HELD The Altonah ward Relief Society held their work meeting Two quilts were worked Mr and Norton Shelton of Herbert Harris and Etta attended the funeral of their Lester at Ivy Chandler came home Friday from Salt Lake City where she had been to receive medical The Guide Patrol work was explained by the Jennie Ice cream and cookies and punch were served by the Guide Patrol The party was held at the Grant sang at the close of the During Scout Week the Guide Patrol fixed a display |