Show Special Education For Pupils In County Approved Arrangements are underway this week extending the special program in Duchesne County schools to pupils and students at the Myton Elementary Roosevelt Elementary and Roosevelt Junior High reports Rowan C. Classes were organized last Monday by Rosella who is instructor for these special classes which have been set up to help eliminate learn-barriers that arise in many otherwise fully normal pupils and Class work started 13 at 9 a.m. in at a.m. at the Roosevelt Elementary and at 1 p.m. at the Roosevelt High who is working for a certificate In special teaches all these assisting pupils and students in overcoming There are two sections taught on the secondary level at the Roosevelt Junior High the superintendent Total daily class enrollment is to be 24 pupils and although the program is expected to help many more of the pupils and students by rotating the enrollees for part-time This program will continue in these schools until the end of the current term on May the superintendent During the fall months and during this program was conducted in the schools at and This special educational program is financed by the state educational the superintendent |