Show M Scientific Swedish Massage Medical Gymnastics Power Light Building Roosevelt Phone Are You Ready I I FOR i KB IF YOU HAVE lj 8 P Cracked or Broken Glass ij 8 RN YOUR CAR OR TRUCK COME IN AND HAVE IT j REPLACED j Sj V BEFORE THE BIG RUSH lj S Have A Large Stock of ij 8 FIT ANy CAR TRUCK H n Jp k Have your Glass Cut and Installed While You Wait 0 All work is done by who are installing A a every day and always get the best y X If You Have Insurance We Bill the Company Direct U X AVOID THE RUSH COME IN RIGHT AWAY V mm w ft PHONE UTAH 5 Please call 2321 to report your This is our new ST. PATRICK'S DAY Sponsored By ST. HELEN'S CATHOLIC CHURCH PARISH Utah TO BE HELD Frontier 16 p.m. Adult Donation LISTED TO TUE S Station 2340 on your dial j j MONDAY FRIDAY jL i Sponsored by wj MOON LAKE ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION SERVING THE UINTAH BASIN |