Show Lisonbee ELD EN LIDDELL FAMILY MOVES TO SALT LAKE Elden Liddell has accepted a job at Salt Lake Liddell and the two youngest children will leave for Salt Lake City Monday where they will make their Marjoric and Gladys will remain here until the end of the school The Liddell family will be greatly missed as the family has been very active in church Elden served as Bishop for six years and Liddell was recently released as Relief Society We all hope the are happy in their new and daughter and son-in-law of the will move on the Liddell They have been living in Salt Lake and Ronald Lisonbee and Edith Brady visited on Friday at Provo with Weekend guests of and Shelby Lisonbee were Miss Bertie Sherwood Lisonbee and Miss Karen Lewis of Salt Lake Carol vAnn and Darleen Brady of Salt Lake City spent the past weekend with their Elda Van has been ill this Bishop Carl Van Tassell and Glen Van Tassell went to Salt Lake City during the week for a load of VISIT AT CHURCH Visitors at Sunday School and Sacrament meeting were William Peatross and Moon of the High They arc from the Duchesne and Jack Liddell and JaNae and were Sunday dinner guests of and Abe Liddell of Byrell Lamb is in southern Utah on a business and Howard Smith and children of Orem and Glenda Moody of Duchesne were Friday visitors of and Alma guests of and Smith were and Pete Abplanalp and son Larry of Utahn and and Adams of Salt Lake and J. A. Halladay and children of Pleasant Grove were Sunday visitors at the home of and Joe and and Bill and George Marrett entertained the following friends at a Mexican dinner Friday and Chad Evans of Arcadia and and Reed and Reed Clayburn attended a family dinner at the home of their and Percy Potts of and Johnnny Wills attended Sacrament meeting Sunday at Roosevelt and their baby girl was blessed and given the name of and Joe Clayburn were dinner guests of and Butcher in Roosevelt Mrs Hazel Walters is visiting her Ruth in while Rulon is on a business trip to Three children of and Darrell King were confirmed as members of the Chuch at Sacrament They are Leon and I Speakers at Sacrament meeting Sunday were Floyd Case from who spoke on the life and hardships of the early church and George Swasey of whose subject was the Life of Joseph Smith and his missionary experiences Elder Swasey recently returned from the Canadian Cecil Kofford was in Salt Lake City for a few days last week to be with her was Napier and S. M. Swasey made a business trip to Salt Lake City during the Boys from the Snow College who came home for the weekend were Max Brotherson and Lyle Kay Wall of Noal Reese of Upalco and Jack Brotherson came in From Alma Wilkins has been in Vernal several days this week at the home of her who is Max Hartman and C. R. Ames met with Ray Oman in a stake Primary meeting held on and Joe Swasey went to Salt Lake City early Saturday Swasey attended the special Temple assignment for the Moon Lake Stake High Priests which was held at p.m. Saturday |