Show dr miles A REMEDY FOR THE effects of tobacco athe an excessive use of tobacco especially T n by young men is always in jut tons ions and undoubtedly shortens life materially mr ed C ebsen eom compositor on the contra costa yelps news martinez Mart incz cal writes 1 I lavo lave used ed dr miles nesto ne arvine and received lucli from it I 1 was troubled with nervousness dizzy spells and sleepleSs ness caused by the use ot of tobacco and slim blants I 1 took dr vilice miles with war loar good results allaying the dizziness quieting the tha nerves and enabling mo to steel and rest proving la in my caso a 9 very beneficial rei remedy nedy dr titles miles restorative Is especially adapted to lug tho the nervous ner votis system to its normal condition under such circumstances it soothes heals and strengthens dr miles remedies dr are aronold bold by all dru druggists balles rl lles under a positive 1 guarantee first bottlo bottle ler vine benefits or anoney re kg res 0 funded book on diseases agy 11 L of 0 tho the heart and RS sa nerves tree free address Addre bs DK DIL MILES MEDICAL CO elkhart ind I 1 d uso U so dr PLASTERS for SPINAL IV WEAKNESS DA I 1 in AI druggists for 25 your friend ae 4 VA bicycle A wheel you can N depend upon for lightness swiftness and strength it is unsurpassed you can learn all 11 II about it 11 acy y addressing hamilton kenwood cycle co st chicago A t 1 1 0 ifa 1 1 1 anything you invent or fr improve also alpo get eel CAVEAT TRADE iam r or DESIGN protection eid leid L ru mill 4 1 or photo dinoto fr free exa m 1111 iii ii il i aie IK PATE ILE ke berro Noat patlue tyle wow to C A SHOW C CO washington TOtA DC ITea Sacha aal neil I algia cured by dr caile PAIN PIL PILLS L S onu cent a ado docu pain h bita no show with dr huba pain pils r ils 50 YEARS experience I 1 TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHT ac anzono a sketch and d 1 in I n to lioy oy qui quickly clely ascertain our opinion broo fr carl abor an aa invention li probably eions strictly handbook k on patents befit aunt freo free oldest tor for securing patents paten tm I agents taken jiunn A co receive without charge la in the ibo scientific american A handsomely illustrated weekly Jn jaritt ritt ctr cul cu atlon lation of any biclon title arl 3 a ion boar four tl L so sold 4 by all MUNN aco ca new york liri LUki IT bt D C eada chobad hjad gait dr miles ille 6 pills hu bit ardill e s st cst SO we make a specialty of heavy teas team harness and use nothing but the best leather and work in their manufacture satisfaction guaranteed at prices to suit you le jfe effie jmj in lak tow aa bh M I 1 N M proprietor of golden colden high patent sheaf FA T JT A NOY injo A af H high Uinta I 1 ah patent Sheaf straight patent F TT L 0 U 11 ta S 0 craham family pride jr JL vj U 63 fermado mado 0 and mill feeds of all kinds bookkeeping etc thoroughly 9 taught BY MAIL or personally our system of 0 teaching gives actual sy dally daily experience in every branch ot of business including banking merchandising commission insurance transportation tl etc preparatory department for or backward students wo we train for practical work and always secure situations for or graduates of 0 our business and shorthand courses students no vacations expenses moderate aront throw away away time and nil moan going to temp temporary orar sc schools 11 when it will cost you less to attend the BES BEST 11 Ws jve money ta ai a number ot of students ants who have left iet incompetent teachers in disgust such people tell us that six months here is equal en ual to a year in any other school olle 3 D achl A CS n to any one ode for flit first information of a vat 5 B t REWARD d VV f T J lor for a bookkeeper stenographer teacher clerk 01 te telegraph operator v alch we successfully fill business houses liedwith competent asetta ass tta n ta w I 1 thou charge charee refer to prominent patrons in ever every part the next best thing ITO to attending ati ending the MOST celebrated BUSINESS SCHOOL la amarls is 13 to take out our I 1 instruction S RUCTION in BY MAIL if you are unemployed and willing to ady send end ton tin two con t stamps tor for five easy lesson in shorthand beautiful catalogue fr addres mention this paper CLESi CLEMENT ENT C GAINES PRESIDENT poughkeepsie oregon short line time table professional cards trains arrive at and depart front from montpelier as follows J T KIETH goin going west 1215 a m going east 70 a in I 1 VANSTON WYOMING P 11 II cunnane Mun NANE agent R S SPENCE U lien ion Pat ellic time table AT LAW trains arrive and depart from front evans li vanston IDAHO as follows rast HAST dr E lee arrive depart no ko 2 1110 11 10 a in 1115 11 15 a m no ko 4 1125 11 25 p in 1130 1140 11 30 p m Is prepared to do all kinds of contil tot cravn and bridge work a specialty GOING WEST teeth extracted without rain pain arrive depart WOODRUFF UTAH no 1 1110 11 10 a m 11 1115 15 a am m no 3 11 sop 0 p ni 1135 11 35 p in LE ROY N FRENCH J 1 K GRAFF agent AT LAIT LAH will practice in all courts promptly A RANDOLPH UTAH JAS H WALLIS STAGE LINE ATTORNEY and counsellor at law lav evanston wyo WW wm practice in au all utah and idaho court randolph and attention siren given to correspondence laketown Lake town utah PARIS IDAHO daily except sunday ED SOUTH leave evanston at I 1 p m th is the route to the railroad ton or I 1 al artist A lu hale manager RANDOLPH UTAH geo ge webb jos H r NEVILLE i r carpenter contractor and Build sr builder and WOODRUFF UTAH contractor plans ans lind and specifications Specific atis furnished our work guaranteed to be well anil and promptly done RANDOLPH HOTEL SNOWBALL prop JOHN RANDOLPH UTAH first class A accommodation JOHP 3 SHELBY for transient and other guests ilay hay grain and stabling in connect conne cl contractor reasonable THE and BUILDER KEARL HOUSE LA LAKE KE TOWNs TOWN UTAH comfort teed RANDOLPH UTAH guests care aud and col tf good stabling sia ui i iii in connect v lay ri is ifs close to the be beautiful aut ifill belly J L ATKINSON raSON M rs A 14 ri K E A R L manufacturer and dealer in THE UINTAH HOTEL furnishing urnis hing and building wyo lumber siding T C flooring lath shingles when in Evan at befit hous OUS 1 doors windows the uintah in town and Moul dings C paol t frico neat the mill E EVANSTON byul rs MUSICAL PRESENTS we ilive give cr a partial list of musical ica good suitable for Cliris christinas tillas presents procure something 0 that id refining and p educating du cating 0 to the old and young something that will inake home pleasant we can sell you the celebrated MASON HAMLIN or 01 KIMBALL ORGAN at f from ra ill S 6 65 5 1 to 0 11 5 0 terms 10 down and 5 per month american made GUITARS to aioo MANDOLINS to BANJOS to au 50 these instruments are the best made and embrace the burn bay state and mawer we can furnish you anything fron from a jl jaws ws harp up to a piano we carry all the latest sheet music music musia books aud and strings for all birds of stringed 1 instruments orders from froin the country W will ill have special and prompt attention and satisfaction guaranteed 10 D 0 SONS SALT LAKE CITY TABLE LEGS for SALE C south |