Show UTAH NEWS the warm weather of tile tho past four weeks has proven the salvation of flock masters asters tn in southern utah mrs austin powers of Wells vil ae burst a large blood vessel on her neck and is in a precarious condition willie while handling a revolver which wits was not loaded king Jolin johnson sou had two fingers shot off lit at marysvale Marys vale ie geo gen shakespeare of tropic near panguitch was caught under a wagon wag on which ahiel i had tipped over and injured until life is despaired of john G gotthard a salt lake shoemaker had his right eye cut out by a negro in a street row last saturday ile he will recover the soap factories of utah have formed a combination and hereafter the manufacturing will all be done by one plant under the management of n H F P kincaid 0 F poster foster of st george has had an offer of 6 SO 10 per head bead for his large bands of cattle from a salt lake cattle dealer it is the highest price offered for years the body of J T olive the indian agent who committed suicide last may at stgeorge while temporarily insane has been exhumed and shipped to his former home in georgia dimmick huntington of springville Spring ville while feeding mules in a corral was kicked over the right lung and is in a precarious condition with slight chances of recovery dr ellen B ferguson wide widely ly known throughout utah has been formally excommunicated from the mormon church several months ago she espoused the cause of theosophy A patent for a mis quito protector has been issued to john conlisk of ogden it is designed to protect the face and hands and is for use in alaska where mosquitos are said to be almost as large as birds and more fierce the hon thomas judd president ol of the state board of horticulture and one of st george s foremost citizens has received a call from the first presidency of the mormon church to go ou OD a mission permanently to the white river country nevada to take charge of the colonization of that country by the mormon people mr judd is one of the earliest pioneers of dixie having come here during the first year of the settlement of st george plans for the alliance and co opera tion of officers of three states are under consideration by the authorities of utah wyoming and colorado for the extermination of the ilone ln in the wall and robbers roost bands of outlaws which infest the three states and dart back and forth a their commission of crime if an agreement is iii reached there will be a an unending campaign inaugurated until the bands are disorganized the seating capacity of the salt lake tabernacle has been determined by measurement to be this allows 20 inches to each person and is divided as follows ground floor gallery 1893 1892 chair seats and other seats under the gallery reserved for the ward bishops home missionaries and reporters 1279 1271 it has bu always been believed the capacity was greatly in excess of tills this A little disturbance was created at a performance at a salt lake theater last week by a om woman refusing to remove her hat when politely requested so to do by an lusher tile the offending woman defied all the powers behind the anti high hat law and the rules oi of the house hoube the claim that her age exempted her from obedience was conceded after the attaches had concluded that she had bad been sufficiently humiliated in the eyes of the audience A reunion of the greenwood family was held at american fork last the family is a large one springing from pioneer stock and about persons were present A musical and literary program was enjoyed followed by a dance anton peterson and joseph two 11 14 year old ephraim boys while making a colt buck for the amusement of aysta bystanders riders were thrown violently to the ground they were picked up unconscious though not severely injured william white of ogden traveling for A sons had a runaway in logaa in which abich lie he lost a complete sample outfit a new english log dog cart and a fet bet of single harness ne ile had bad a horse that run away and need hitching ol of course clarence carter the IG 16 year old boy who wounded R E ross KOSS orton orelua hayt and george miller in a melee at joseph joeph city february 10 19 lias been bound over to the district court in bonds dail bail lias has been furnished und and lie is at liberty john barrowman Bai died at kechi hist week ite ile i was as a pioneer having been a member of the mormon battalion and worked on the mill race marshall found gold in california in 13 lie ile joined the church in 1810 and aided in q building 1411 diug the nauvoo le |