Show DISTRESS IN SPAIN this situation occupies pucho attention more war madrid march 7 in contrast with the clamor in america there is almost absolute calm here and that too oven even ora on tile the bour beca bees where here the falls are due clue to foreign selling the general opinion is that the united states daro dare not make a suspicion which is unsupported by evidence and is abhorred by european opinion the pretext for war tho the distress in various parts of tho the country occupies the public mind far more than american relations notwithstanding tile the reduction in the grain grain i duty a famine threatens tho the socialists are utilizing tho the dearth under guise of electioneering electioneer ing as a means of fomenting popular agitation an and d it would require some borne overt act of injustice on oil the part of america to divert public P sentiment |