Show I 1 fill NEW D TU HER 0 fron this birte until further notice BECKWITH LAUDER i M will treat produce the same saine as cash in the distribution of premiums pictures will be 0 o enlarged valuable books will be san given ia outright it besides a splendid variety of hi pictures in the latest styles will be 0 GIVEN AWAY AWA AMA HING IN YER pona deckwith jeck with A lauder this only tri 40 um h A Z steel CS wa world range 4 beater why under heavens should people send away for steel ranges rangen or anything else for that matter when they can do better with us we also carry the MAJESTIC A STEWART R ranges an and everything in FURNITURE ant and 1 house furnishings as well as WAGONS SLEIGHS and implements oats 90 cents wheat 1 at hodges mill BEEMAN GASHIN CASHIN MERs MER co the people that th athold holdUp up P prices produce ot 1 r PA I 1 THEATRE the randolph ani amateur ateer dramatic association will present it at the Mee sleeting Z house randolph on friday evening march 18 1898 the POPULAR DRAMA TH ine I 1 I 1 pi MU 0 OF rp 3 I 1 I 1 fa 14 ile 11 51 V A CAST jack dunning A victim of his own folly clyde spencer percy ogden A true fi bend A G rex ab ashley drayton A man of the world arthur mckinnon hyrum boggs owner of cowslip farm oscar evans william henry the hi red man hyrum norris bell boy at fremont hotel edward spencer dorothy dunning jacks wife miss maud spencer alice granden A society pet miss katie south melinda jane boggs from vermont miss mary mckinnon sarah hirama better naif half miss della delia snowball polly flinder A black diamond miss jane mckinnon to be followed by the rip roaring farce cc C 21 b OD jun ADMISSION 23 25 CENTS RESERVED SEATS 35 CENTS doors oin open en 7 p mo curtain up at 8 T THEATRE H the randolph dramatic troupe will produce on march 15 1898 in the meeting tr house at randolph the old and popular drama djs ur N w cl L et awn T f E D CAMI na tuf 1 l aj CAST uncle tom A slave lem INIc mckinnon Kinnon simon legree A slave owner leroy N french st clair uncle toms toma master E elmow imo W cook gumption cute from vermont robert mckinnon n non maiks A lawyer john R wallis halley II ailey A speculator arch INIC mckinnon KInnon jr george harris A runaway slave leroyn leroy N french deacon in love with ophelia william Willlam rex shelby A plantation owner william T rex sambo badly T tanned clyde spencer topsy who had no fadder or M udder miss lilian webb aunt Op ophelia lielia A blushing damsel mrs elmo IV cook marie st clairs wife miss N I 1 iss ruth tyson ellza eliza george HarrI II arris 1 wife miss carrie evans cassa an octoroon miss francis corless emeline A quadroon miss kate south eva uncle toms little allate mckinnon TICKETS 25 CENTS RESERVED SEATS 35 CENTS doors open 7 p m curtain up at 8 vw WE H LAS VE 9 just received a large stock of spring and summer dry goods A A T vav 7 fc r consisting of 11 1 P PRINTS R IN T S Pe perciles percales Per cales reales fine white goods y Gin 0 chanis dress goods ladies vl ft r wrappers shirt waists collars collara and cuffs 11 ribbons pearl buttons comets outings v A we also have a goo good d assortment of boys w d pants from 50 50 up fc ALSO 9 a line of Pira parasols sols and umbrellas t CALL AND SEE US mail ardef s will have P attention mckinnon johnson skelton maeser WEEKLY excursions TO st janitor 3 months salary 1000 LOUIS VIA SALT LAKE 9 wood etc AND DENVER clerk freight etc 1 1 35 commencing thursday march 3rd ard beeman casbin Casl iii merchandise 2333 23 33 1898 1899 and each thursday thereafter ILIc mckinnon Kinnon bros 44 1 IOS 05 MISSOURI PACIFIC personally quarter ending march 31 CONDUCTED tourist excursions court adjourned till juno term okill w ill leave portland for st louis via salt lake denver and kansas city round valley ripples the cars used in these excursions roads muddy are the best tourist sleepers and will run ran through to st louis without scow nearly gone change via 0 S L R G IV D it dist school will close on tuesday IR G and missouri pacific ca cars r s will next A very nice program has been be in charge of experienced and arranged for the occasion and an enjoyable gentlemanly conductors and porters time anticipated special care taken of ladies or children the Infant i i ta n t son of joli john n T price passed traveling without escort peacefully away on friday last call on agent for particulars after an illness of nearly a week services LEGAL LEGAI NOTICE were held it at the home ionic of the parents after which the corps was E imitate state of dexter litchfield deceased followed to its last resting place by a the undersigner undersigned Under signed will sell at public auction great number of sympathising sympathizing friends tho the following described real property to wit tho west half of the northwest quarter and the child was one month andone and one week tho the northwest quarter quarte of the southwest old at ti e time of its i ts death tie parents quarter of section no 20 ant anil tho the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter oi of section have the sympathies of all the quarter no 0 27 all in no 13 11 north of no I 1 east ot of tuc the salt lake meridian containing ward in their bereavement acres all in rich rica coun county v utah at SNOWDROP 12 noon on monday bonday tho the day of march A D iya at the front door of t abo be round bound valley utah march 9 1608 court house at randolph rich county utah for cash to tho the highest and best bidder ton ten per cent payable at tho the tuno hino of sale and tho the MAT INEE 1 I 1 uncle toms cabin balanco balance upon confirmation of sale ealo by tho the court monday evening march 14 commence E JENSEN administrator of the I 1 estate tato of dextor dexter at sharp children under litchfield deceased 12 years old admitted free dated march 1 IM J if attorney f for or plaintiff totter tetter salt sait kheim and eczema first publication march marc n 39 tho the intense itching incident to these diseases is instantly allayed NOTICE FOR FOP publication hy by applying chamberlains eye and N no 0 skin ointment many very bad cases land office at salt like city utah have been permanently cured by it it february 11 1898 is ia efficient for itching and NOTICE is hereby given that the following follow inc equally piles named settler bag bled maico of his int intention Lution a favorite remedy for sore nipples to make final proof in iii support ot 0 lua his claim and chapped hands chilblains frost bites that said proof will bo be ma mado 0 before the county 25 acts box clerk of 0 rich county utah at randolph and chronic sore eyes per utah on march 26 MIS viz viz FERNANDO 2 DO MILLER condition powders are dr cadys cades of woodruff utah II if 11 I 1 for the N I 1 S E just what a horse needs when in bad M sec IS tp 9 N E S E a L M bonames ho names condition tonic blood purifier and the alio foU following owing witnesses to prove big hi continuous they are not food but upon and cultivation of said land viz jabez C leo lee I 1 william loo lee charles leo lee medicine and the best in use usa to lint a and frank lee all of woodruff ff utah horse in prime condition price 25 23 n 11 N mcgrew register cents per package pac hage first publication february 19 1898 THIS SPACE RESERVED coop co op wagon co montpelier |