Show SPAIN PURCHASES WARSHIPS thoro there amny abot iso do war nut but there to preparation for I 1 arll ft london march 7 further inquiries made on the subject con confirm f rin tins the report of the sale of 0 the two cruisers which the armstrongs have been building for brazil to spain the inquires further show that a representative of the chileon chilean government has been negotiating iv with ith a representative ot of tho the spanish government for the sale of tho the battleship built for chile and that a deal is practically completed whereby this splendid warship passes into possession it is known that the chilean representative senta tive made an offer to spain ro re centhy but the price was considered too high and spain made a counter otter offer it is now understood that they have conle come to term the ships which spain secured in france are too heavily armored coast defense vessels which brazil ordered fc bervice on the river platte which have beer been building tit at tile the la scylla works at havre |