Show FARMERS dont be foolish and buy cheap twine when you can bily the best be st lly v VU PLYMOUTH IS ir BEST even smooth strong 44 bills do not fall fali dono n an aad il t tangle n le cheapest Clio pest because it goes Wi oiliest wiliest liest ahe sheaf of wheat sib balls bails on every ball 12 bans balls la in a mic bate FOR SALE BY NOTICE I 1 there will be a mccaine of the stockholders of the R IV canal cu co saturday august 21 1807 1897 at 2 p m for the hie purpose of taking under consideration the constriction const notion of a waste ditch ind and fo any other busl busi hess that may come before the meet mcenti I 1 UK ng ur by order of the board dated august 0 W JACOBSON accy dr cada condition powders are just what a horse needs when in bad condition tonic blood purifier and they are not food but medicine and the best in use to put a horse in prime condition price 25 23 cents per package for sale by all medicine mei licino dealers PERFECT HEALTH REGAINED THE WONDER grandest discovery in the annals of medicine guaranteed to cuie more diseases than any other medicine treat treatment mentor or system known to the medical profession fes sion no MAN made remedy but natures true panacea catuma is an antiseptic germicide it positively destroys all microbes mic robes and germs of every kind name and nature it Is healing and soothing to the mucious membrane it will permanently manent ly cure tile majority of if cases of bronchitis catarrh all stomach troubles trouble all diseases of if the bladder dowels bowels kidneys liver constipation sti pation piles old sores Dis diseases caes ulcers eczema scrofula blood poison Illic ism neuralgia diseased discharges diseases velilian peculiar ve liliar to women nervous and I 1 physical ANIc weakness akness etc io NO MATTER WHAT YOUR AILMENT A or where you live write us a full history of your trouble and our consulting physician NN will ill advise you what to do in ili order to regain your health consultation is face akee M and sacredly confide confidential tit al terms term kerylow very low F por proofs as enclose 2 cent stamp local agents wanted everywhere I 1 no N 0 canvassing we ad adverties vertie you in your home pa paper per COMPANY 1 P 0 lov box 15 chicago ili III THE U HOTEL evanston wyo yo when in evanston call at the uintah best house in town mrs C lachappelle prop J L atkinsons ATKINSON 9 nud and dealer in furnishing and building lumber siding T C flooring lath shingles Doors Windows and Moul dings office neat the mill EVANSTON wyo caveats ecat and trademarks trade marks obtained and all pat ent business conducted f or 1 m MODERATE r FEES OUR OFFICE is OPPOSITE U US PATENT omat 1 I 1 fated and we cun can secure pat patent IL la in ars frs jc tune than those f ro remote mote from washington f send model draing drafting or photo alioto with afon ton we vc if or not freo free ol 01 of chir harge gc our cc not due till patent is secured j 0 A PAMPHLET how to obtain patents with cost coat ot of fmc si in the U S and foreign countries sent free address 0 0 00 0 L OPP PATENT washington D C LS F ENN 0 TO ta THE E FRONT FRI fINT OGAIN WE do not believe in leaders and consider it r ruilt that every article should sell itself we guarantee tee that a childs dime will got get as wally many ounces ind and dollar pounds as though ta pa or ma was there AND we further say that we will sell as much or more for the dollar than any other house hous e in town ea eggs gc N and grain taken in exchange WE are going to have special sales every week until f urther further notice as follows monday five per I 1 cent on off on oil the dollar in trade for dry goods go 0 as wednesday boots and shoes friday ha hats ts i caps and notions we carry as 19 la ge an all assortment as any house in town and will 1 1 1 highest Hi best price for produce aan cool cook bros dealers in abt 51 a nd ise a boots shoes I hats ats hardware hard ware i groceries etc we invite you to call and in examine our stock CARDEN CARDED CITY and WOODRUFF buy your goods bood S of IT 0 w ln i 3 0 P I 1 of everything necessary to the farmers comfort at lowest living prices for the ever welcome Wel conle SPOT CASH highest market price always paid for FARM PRODUCE jos irwin invin manager LARY UTAH TOBE or pang ad hamir hr lim Is r 0 ws a rv li row L 0 I 1 1 I d B adt anit spring wagons Wa gors buggies and bain old hickory wagons in fact everything za needed on a farni farm or 01 ranch terms and prices P ices right I 1 afflit 1 1 grain taken in exchange Exclia ne 6 GIVE US A CALL auvaa Is 0 31 in eminent company R 1 I 1 N 8 UN C r v 0 P au 1100 U general dealers in 3 ry y amu X koft amsl f aft our liue line of boots and slices shoes cannot be bet beat we respectfully invite examination of stock believing all caio be satisfied that it is for their interest to purchase here bere jos robinson managed Ma MM TOM ras agh tm mh utah ekr N evl M HODGES proprietor 41 of high patent m A ia T high patent golden colden sheaf V y S uinta sheaf straight patent pat e nt T V 7 Y T T TD 0 graham C ham family pride F ald L 0 U U ell 80 0 ek C germade er made and fil alil ill feeal of all kinds every person in ir ric fica county should read the T FOUND UP 0 it II is the home paper and 1101 works ks tor fol of rich count county its low ionn price pl t within the reach of all a 11 1 per year y cash in i advance id vance aiice |