Show FROM NEW ZEALAND I 1 I 1 of RAN 00 WRITES or OP HIS missionary experiences editor THE ROUNDUP ROUND UP thinking inthe in the people of our county would like IL to hear from the far off antipodes I 1 take pleasure in writing a few tines lines to i our valuable little paper which I 1 receive regularly re ind and greatly appreciate in response to a call I 1 left my home nov nor 1 1890 to perform a mission miss s on in australia on nov ard 3rd rd 1 I in company with elders G II 11 eyre of 0 Miners minersville ville J L price of paris idalio E L of salt lake city together with mth bro W J brooksby who was returning to australia for his family boarded tile train at salt lake city being joined at ogden ogdan by elder ir II B jensen of fiovo we arrived at portland ore on the morning of the ath and there purchased our tickets tor for australia we spent the afternoon loo looking kliff over the town and left at 6 p in three hour later the train was ferried across the columbia liver which is aj 1 miles wide at this point on the malnin coming of tile the ath we were delayed by a train which had been wrecked that morning caused by sand band drifting on the trad track we arrived at vancouver tile same evening at 6 As the boat on which we were to sail was two days late we had three clear days in vancouver on the alie evening of the ath we were shown our beratlis on board the Mi owera ind and slept that night on board wo we left the vancouver wharf at 2 tile the next morning and arrived at victoe a at 10 a ni we left victoria at 5 p m and here bade adieu to Anic american rican soil everything thin went smoothly until we readied reached the open tea bea which we did tm two 0 hours later where the ship began to pitch and toss and so did the 0 only four or five passengers out of forty or lifty fifty on board appearing at the meal table I 1 being one of the fortunat cs the weather was some bome what rough and on the die so stormy that the captain ordered half speed on oil the oth day at sea we reached honolulu a beauLi beautiful ful city in 11 hawaii awall sa sandwich edw ich islands we landed at a m ind and being pleased to be on land again made good use of our time visiting dg the tonn tomi alair an hour bea re 30 we left elder mendenhall who was laboring among the natives native q in introduced tro himself to us and wo we were pleased to sec cc him we sailed at 8 a m ind and a few hours later land was again aln out of sight here we had beautiful weather but later on the days very warm too warm to steel sleep I 1 in n our berths so we slept on the deck benches on OD the evening of tile the we crowed the equator losing one day on tile morn lug odthe of hie a small schooner the first sail we e had seen on the trip the same evening we anchored half a mile out from sura fiji In lands by paying 2 we could go ashore so several of us availed ourselves of the op opportunity t 31 we were shown aroun dby one of the natives the here ic leaded abed up tip with several tons of bananas pineapples etc for australia the fruit was brought to the ship in a small sloop which vas unloaded by the natives who are arc stout healthy people their dress consoling consisting of a yard of doth cloth only the warmth of the climate renders more clothing clo unnecessary several natives were on the ship selling shells coral ind and curios af various kinds on december ath we readied reached sydney harbor one of the finest in the bro brooksby who had been in sydney before was not long in locating some elders who were I 1 labur abor ing in that part of uie the vineyard also some others who had finis finished lied their labors an and were going to return on the same boat which brou glit lit its out we were live five days in sydney awaiting instructions from the president during this time we ve visited the zoological and botanical garden gardani Gar deni also ako the town hall which has bas tile the largest organ in fit the world word finally came that wo we ail aa wanted in new zealand so ho on the oth day ot of december we boarded the A anglian ind and after another six days ride landed at auckland new Zea zealand tand we met pros pres E F richards Rich aids who gave us our a appointments p point ments we were all sent among the maoris laoris with the exception of elder reece recce who nho was sent bent to labor among the E europeans europeans uro on the evening of the we again took boat leaving bros price and rocce in auckland next day bro eyre landed at gisborne and the day following bro jensen left me one day more landed tile me at my destination porirua Pori rua whore where I 1 met my lily companion john 11 II ellis of bountiful who spent the last six months of his utah life in our county I 1 received the usual token of welcome by rubbing noses which I 1 appreciate now more than I 1 did then tile are a very generous ki kind rid hear cd people and have some 0 of f the traits of the american indian there are arc no poor among them so far as food is concerned for il if one has food they all share many of them are competent lawyers ministers etc and some of them arc very wealthy they aliey stilt still have their old traditions wb which ich are very cry v lecul peculiar lar this land I 1 is mostly timber land but is being cleared fast the rainfall is great therefore there is no irrig irrigation aLion we are arc now in the middle of our winter and although there is no snow the nights arc very cool but we NYC have warm days this is a great country for sheep owing to alic scattered scatter cd cond condition I 1 lion of the natives we travel on oil lio horseback the saints are arc forty ralles miles apart in some parts of our extends front from wellington to new plymouth a distance of miles I 1 have not been all through il it yet but expect to start soon on oil a trip to the northern part of it we baye kiive about saints enrolled on our bonks of N which hiell number dimber about 30 are europeans there arc saints in this misi mission ion a few of whom are arc europeans the good is being pushed with zeal among both europeans and vc cF ind and tile fruits of this labor was shown a at t the general conference in hi april at conference I 1 met bro hyrum cook ot of our county who has been laboring here for tile the past two and a half 1 I like the other elders elder think it prudent to give a little advice to tile the young men who expect to come to new zealand first fira learn the bible thoroughly next learn to sit on oil the die door and cat without knife ind and fork lastly practice kracl ice hon hangi or nose noc rubbing sty companion elder cook wishes all who know liim him tura tera klutow 11 wishing our paper a long and prosperous life ind and with best wishes to all the people of rich county R IL S INIC MCKINNON KINNON raim emion north korth new zealand i june u ne 7 1897 |